Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
In this place God is showing us (During C2) what we are building, and which things being built around us ARE/ AND ARE NOT OF GOD (i.e.- ministries, prophetic voices, etc.). So it’s a time to be testing the spirit like never before. The enemy is trying to raise up a false religion by mixing new age, free masonry, NOW mix in with their strategies to confuse the sheep. Hence the sheep are going to have to LEARN HOW TO TEST THE SPIRT – I John 4:3.
The other truth is this: That the body has never been this way before and this morning I sensed this HUGE blanket of oppression/heaviness on the body and I knew it was witchcraft spells. I asked the Lord and He said: ” Well, I am needing the body to learn to STEP/OPERATE in their most holy faith and they’ve never truly had to rely upon faith before. Because they were too busy trying to be their own gods, or providing for themselves and NOW the only way things will come to pass will be through “Decreeing and BUILDING HOLY STRUCTURES- No mans structures! For this is NOT mans time – BUT MINE! THIS IS NOT THE DEVILS TIME BUT MINE! And I need My people to stand up in their most holy faith and RISE UP ABOVE the things built on the sand! Because I don’t build on the sand but ONLY THE ROCK of your salvation. And when you know your mine than your FAITH IS ROCK SOLID!
The enemy/witches are using/releasing spells of the: 1) Eye of Horis, Rah, 3rd eyes so that they can be “in the know” about what Christians are praying- so intercessors need to break these off, and place restraining orders against them. And then ask God to protect your own gates, prophetic gifts, discernment, prophetic gifts.
The enemy is desperately trying to get Gods people OUT OF TIMING- so pray Ps 91 over your timing and ask God to order your footsteps forward with Ps 37:23.
There are MANY many in the body that are being mislead by familiar spirits at present because they haven’t gotten deliverance and haven’t been taught how to test the spirits (I John 4:3) causing two rivers to be formed in this season. One is COMPELTELY POLLUTED by the devil/his false prophets/Balaam’s and the other very very pure and only the pure in heart are being drawn into it.
This is the river of humility where people don’t have a problem admitting they are wrong, nor do they have issue with going to their brother and making things right, NOR are they afraid of the Father in His truth in what He would have their hearts know. This is a river of COMPLETE trust and obedience because those flowing in it are flowing directly into the heart of the God. These are rivers of living water and all vessels that operate there are no stagnant, they are always growing and learning, and there are NO apparatuses of Religion/Politics to hold those hearts captive. These are hearts full of faith and are now able to fly into the purest of places and their words/decrees/prayers aren’t being held back in Gods courtrooms because they don’t pray with corruption in their hearts but only operate in the heart of the Father.
Friday Jun 10, 2022
Friday Jun 10, 2022
God is getting us free from the Apparatus of Religion/ and the Political Apparatus in the church which is going to throw MANY leaders/sheep off because so many are comfortable under those apparatuses. They will even use the excuses of “your not speaking the truth in love” without realizing that the closer you walk with God the MORE TRUTHFUL you become! As well as loving, but in this hour God is desperately trying to get those stuck in lower parts of the mountain too climb higher so that they can come under His wings of protection.
I see leaders saying one thing one minute and then when questioned about those truths from other scared leaders they backtrack and try to make those ORIGINAL things God spoke into less harmful ramifications when God didn’t stutter the first time He spoke them.
SO I see leaders compromising truth now to fit in/ and not lose favor with those that have been in their circles. And to that I would have to ask:
What are you tyring to protect? YOURSELF/Your pocket book or your ability to fit in? Because Jesus said that we would NOT fit in with this world and if leaders/sheep want to fall by the way side because of disobedience or fears of coming deeper into the INTENSE LOVE OF GOD – that’s between them and God.
Because none of us can walk another’s walk for them. BUT THIS IS A HEAVY SIFTING SEASON and things are getting very serious if we want to walk in the new! Meaning: we have SERIOUS choices to make:
1) The sheep will either stay stuck under familiar structures where leaders keep them stuck in false guilt by continually telling them to stay quiet, don’t speak the truth, don’t stir the pot, your in disobedience to leadership. - NO – YOUR PUTTING THEM IN DISOBEDIENCE WITH GOD! Which means you’re a false shepherd- WOLF! Because there are certain things the bible said we weren’t to tolerate! And just because Gods truth makes you feel uncomfortable about who you might offend- isn’t His/or my problem.
I don’t know about you- but the world we live in right now lacks TRUTH- so how on earth do you think they are going to learn which way to walk unless we begin to speak up and walk IN GODS TRUE WAYS! Which include NOT TOLERATING JEZEBEL- so people can begin getting free and coming back into love (IF THEY SO CHOOSE).
Do you realize that many of you operate on the surface of relating when you relate with others? So anyone who challenges your ability to deal with DEEP TRUTHS makes you feel uncomfortable? I’ve heard you label us as “INTENSE, ABUSIVE (for telling you the truth) when had you been listening to the truth/applying it, the church wouldn’t be in the mess that its in! NOR THE WORLD because the church would have been setting the higher standards that God meant for them to walk in.
But the church has compromised Gods ways, hence – here we sit in a dysfunctional church/ who can’t go any deeper than the surface because it makes them FEEL too uncomfortable! Truth overwhelms them and now the devil is “eating their lunch” because you leaders have been too afraid to offend your religious peers, or the sheep themselves when Jesus told us in Matt 10;34:
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Whats hitting you today:
The enemy is hitting your communications trying to stop Christian’s ability to hear Gods directives/and his Holy Angels ability to get those directives to you. Break the weapons off, so that you can continue moving through C2. Remember C2 is a battle of the mind against “strange fire” and the enemy/witchcraft is releasing major blanketing spells to stop our ability to hear/see (or to block our 5 Fold Gifts).
They are also trying to get the body so hopeless that they quit/give up but if you remember: C2 is also a REFINING place where we find out the WILL of God in all situations that concern us. Situations like:
1) The Fate of the nation
2) The Fate of your dreams- contingent upon how well you hear the Lord to follow Him through the fire to attain them
3) The Fate of the calling of God on your life
For this generation- The Lord showed me that He has done a permanent separating. Meaning: those that are following Jezebel- DO NOT KNOW HIM. Those that are God’s child and are following Saul- those Saul’s/Jezebels are losing power. Their weapons/anointings (Even if for evil) are being disintegrated by God Himself to where they will never harm His true sheep EVER again.
And in this season God has taken His true sheep within His robe Ps 104:2 and is walking us thru this spiritual illusion of darkness. That even though the pressure is becoming great- the Lord told us that with C2 comes refining fire pressure. To see how well we listen to the King/ TRUST/Follow His directives and then keep casting down strange fire. Meaning: God is trying to see which god will choose to serve! HIM or the Sauls/Jezebel! It’s a test to see how easily we are duped into following other gods. Or IF we truly can discern the voice of the ONLY TRUE and Living God!
Friday Jun 03, 2022
Friday Jun 03, 2022
A LOT of things are being exposed on the Government/Religious Mountains. There is so much entrenchment by the deep state because they couldn’t hit Trump in the Political dynamic/ so they moved over to the Religious mountain to where they’ve infiltrated the church. With MAJOR Lucerferians- who are well connected/controlled by the elites promoting their agenda of the ONE WORLD RELIGION with a FALSE sense of unity.
We are seeing FALSE PROPHETS/BALAAMS come out of the woodwork with their apparatuses of RELIGION/POLITICS in the church-
There is so much that will be coming out this summer that it will shock you. UVALDE is already blowing up with the Head Police Chief being exposed for being a Biden/Beto supporter, and with doors being left open to the shooter, past shooters being given guns/advice as to which types of guns to use for these false flags where innocent children have died! SO NOW the DEEP STATES plan is on FULL DISPLAY for all the world to see.
Durham is continuing with the exposure of HRC, forget her lawyer, that was a set up…to get evidence admitted into court. As a nation we are most certainly on a FOCUSED trajectory towards freedom~! And its important that we continue on that pathway even in the spirit.
The Lord has been HIGHLY focused on our hearts as vessels to where a NEW SIFTING is going on as we continue on in C2. C2 is largest part of Gods heart/Left Ventricle where the energy/FIRE comes in and cleanses thru the blood (Rom 3:25), then as we move into C3 (High Holy Days) God begins to move those who have been obedient in getting free into the higher dimensions of His heart/spirit to where we begin to move in TREMENDOUS Kingdom power.
IF YOU AS A LEADER have gotten caught up in the “HOOPLA” of religion/ or the LUCERFERIAN apparatus- this is your chance to repent/ and turn around before God exposes you for all the world the see! Especially the Balaam’s/Jezebels….Col 2:15.
Because is God is no longer allowing His peoples hearts to be jaded by the enemies’ ploys if by false flags, or false prophets. He is NOW leading us into ALL TRUTH and we DO have a choice as to who we serve! But we have to test the spirits we are listening to I JOHN 4:3. God said: HOW WILL YOU KNOW MY PEOPLE? BY MY LOVE- the WARM UNCONDITIONAL LOVE OF JESUS – NOT by the abuse of authority, or the misuse of submission under authority so that all voices stay silent while Jezebel rules/reigns within churches! Because WE ALL know the bible NOT TO EVER tolerate that sprit! EVER!
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
What is Witchcraft hitting the Body with:
Stress, over business, making people try to get ahead of God in their fear. There are A LOT of things happening spiritually just I told you that C2 would hold Remember we are dealing with HOLY FIRE vs. STRANGE FIRE which can cause A LOT of confusion to the point that we can begin to doubt what God has initially spoken/promised to us.
The key to passing this test is to know that God loves us (John 16:27)
27 No, the Father himself loves you because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God.
And when we know God loves us we know nothing is impossible with Him. So the key again, while we journey through the 2nd portion of Gods heart (Chamber 2) is how well do you take a test? Because Chamber 2 (the fiery portion) is about allowing God to refine us to where everything NOT of Him is burned off to where we develop His mind. It’s a battle of the mind to where we either believe all the witchcraft we are assailed with or we believe the best of a Holy God.
Many of you are in your 18th mile and are “Spent” but since God built you you also need to know that He has equipped you to do the job you are doing spiritually. The witchcraft is rising to the point that its almost “thru the roof” because SO MANY are connected to it. but if we don’t know how to maneuver and trust God through the confusion (God is NOT the author of confusion), but He will allow confusion into our testings to see how well we listen to Him/ trust Him…to see how well we follow instruction and continue to move down our pathways.
At present: the witchcraft s daunting and will get even more pressure some as we move closer to the 9th of Av in August. My suggestion: is that you spend time taking yourself through deliverance for fear, doubt, unbelief, discouragement, hopelessness and despair. NOT TO MENTION all ways the enemy would make you think God does not love you. Because if we don’t believe/trust that God loves us then we will fall for any lie of the devil in the book!
We will look at the news (even if glancing) and take it at face value when we all know that its FAKE NEWS- and the devil in them is a liar! SO the ONLY NEWS WE NEED TO BE LISTENING TO AT PRESENT IS THE LORD! The GOOD NEWS! Because a STRONG SIFTING is occurring at present between the TRUE WHEAT (DAVIDS) and the CHAFT (SAULS). And a lot of people are going to be shocked when they find out which category they land in. Especially the SAULS.
God is filtering out all mouth gates who speak words outside of Gods will and He is aligning all mouth gates aligned with truth/ in what God says truth is. Not man’s version of it, not BALAAM’S/JEZEBELS/RELIGIONS versions- but LOVES VERSION!
Friday May 20, 2022
Friday May 20, 2022
1 SAMUEL 26:1-28:25 – Saul’s Tearful Words
God could have cared a less about Saul’s Fake “tearful” words because God saw that he was STILL pursuing David! FOR NO REASON other than his own jealousy/envy over a man’s calling HE WOULD NEVER HAVE! Saul had had his chance and he thought he knew more than God so God replaced him!
And losing opportunities is hard to accept to a heart to begins to reflect on the SHOULDA/WOULDA/COULDA’S without remorse! So its all about the heart in how we approach God and His kingdom! MANY will come to Him in the last days saying “LORD LORD, and it’ll be too late then- and even now, sometimes our rebellion can cost us HUGE opportunities of serving Him which means we also have negated the blessings that would have come with those callings.
Because God is NOT building YOUR kingdom- HE IS BUILDING HIS OWN! And we make our plans without considering His thinking God will just agree and come on board without considering that we are setting ourselves up for tremendous disappointment because our plans did not match kingdom!
In Saul’s case- God did give him another opportunity to repent but the Kings heart was simply too hard.
David- won a great victory over Saul but then went to make some immature/foolish decisions himself because he was in the learning process (like many of the pure hearted warriors today) of learning to ONLY SAY/PRAY what they hear their Father saying!
David had gotten discouraged and hence he stopped serving God and started thinking about survival because he had gotten fatigued! In this day/time- we will lose the battle if we try to engage the enemy ourselves and ONLY GOD knows what weapons are being used, WHO ARE TRULY part of His heart/forces and whose just pretending/lying themselves about their service.
God is exposing all the pretense/hypocrisy in all 7 mountains, on the INTL/FED/STATE/CITY/COUNTY/PERSONAL levels and He is showing the true sheep who they can go to war with! But only if they listen! Because ultimately- God wants to be the first person on our list so that He helps us to win because there are A LOT of evil hearts out there that refuse to get honest with themselves that THEY are in WRONG standing with the Lord- and that they TRULY do not know Him/or His ways!
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
How is witchcraft hitting us?
I think that many intercessors are now entering into learning about the courts of Heaven. And if you know anything about the courts you have to know the WORD OF GOD! THE LAW- God’s laws in what HE says is right. If you don’t know the word you wont fair well because you won’t know how to fight and you can only fight effectively if you know what God says about a thing.
Because its what God says and NOT WHAT YOU SAY that matters. Because we are entering into a season where God is having HIS SAY about MANY matters in all 7 mountains.
2) If you know the word of God then you also have to know that the enemy has laws/motions/orders/pleadings, edicts, decrees that he uses to fight us with through the occult members (witches/Satanist, Balaam’s Prophets, Jezebel/ its Eunuchs, & fake Christians). The enemy/the occult/ and all these others use the BIBLE/ the HEBREW TORAH because the word of God is ALIVE because God is the word, then they combine Gods’ law and pervert it by using it with Laws of MAGIC. Systems of magic consist of magical laws/rules/spells, written in Grimoire books/spellbooks, or through words of magic pulled out of witchcraft books (known/unknown) to be (layered, structured, written, spoken, frontwards, backwards) within spells, cursings, etc. Against Christians.
AND they misuse the WHEEL OF TIME (if they can place witchcraft marks on it, like they do the tree of Life, and why does this matter? Because if you aren’t tracking with God then you can get easily duped and not even know that witches in your region has messed with your PERSONAL TIME. And the past 3 weeks they have been messing with our time, by getting us distracted, losing time, getting off on ventures we weren’t’ called to get us off of God’s path! And you can only block this in the Courts of Heaven!~ AND they are trying to get AMERICA OFF OF GODS TIME TABLE.
The laws of magic, however, BEND the rules, as there are MAJOR laws, sublaws, there are demonic rules, LIMITATIONS, PATTERNS, edicts/ decrees, motions/ orders/ pleadings, along with various spells, various types of magic that they use, ELEMENTS, witchcraft tools, oils, herbs, foods, connected to EVIL alters, Evil matrixes (which hold spells)- and are interchangeable, which are connected to numbers, or applications of engineering, physics, economics, statistics, as well as various branches of mathematics.
What does that mean to Christians? Its means that the devil has created MATRIXES ON ALL 7 mountains through technology with spells attached to where every time we get on our Iphones/cell phones computer, there is no telling how many spells our eye gates, mind gates, ear gates, touch gates come across which is probably why so many are addicted to them. AND MATRIXES HOLD LAWS because of the mathematics they are developed through like:
Certain sets of matrices form algebraic systems in which many of the ordinary laws of arithmetic (e.g., the associative and distributive laws) are valid but in which other laws (e.g., the commutative law) are not valid. These laws can be used with Magical laws, Universal, Hermeneutical, Scientific laws , Spiritual laws (Kabaylan, Biblical, Hebrew) to lock things into place and the world has no idea how this has been done! And there are ELEMENTS that are connected to mathematical equations as there are ELEMENTS in Witcchraft which can be used within equations, within their spells, for example: If A + B is the subset of C what does C equal? This is how quantum physics got introduced into the equation of intercession.
Friday May 13, 2022
Friday May 13, 2022
Witchcraft Tactics: Enemy has been coming at our TIME. With distractions, by having the COUP begin to do things in their attempt to beat Gods TIME (which will not EVER happen) because Gods word says that everything (good/evil alike) is made beautiful in its own time. And its not TIME for a thing to happen it won’t happen.
Have you found your scheduled being off, or not having enough TIME in your day to get things done? THIS IS WITCHCRAFT spells being released through blanket spells to absorb our time as intercessors/ Front Runners to where we can’t stay on track! You need to break that off and align yourself with God’s TIME! Then ask for protection over your times in Him with Ps 91, and use Ps 31:15 asking God to keep YOUR TIMES in HIS HANDS!
Also, God knows all intercessors are exhausted- but the great thing about being a believer is that Jesus is our DOOR to new strength- because He moves us from faith to faith and Glory to glory. So that with each move He increases within our story. HIS strength only has to be requested and its given so we can continue to move forward in HIM! We’ve entered into C2 now and are becoming immersed into God’s fire with Ex 3:2. We need to ask that God refine us in His fire and that God help us to fight effectively against the witchcraft “Strange fire” that is being allowed to come against us while we move into C3.
C1- (Chamber 1 of Gods heart) are deliverance/adjustment months of God’s heart- with the washing of the word of God from Jan 1 – through April 30th.
C2- (Chamber 2) are the Fiery portion of God’s heart where His FIRE (refiners fire) and the enemies fire come at us to try to either refine our minds/dreams/ assignments/ ministries into Love, or we find out what we’ve stepped into that is NOT of God.
C3 – (Chamber 3) Is the place where we find out how we faired in the fire of the last season, and our earthen vessels are stepping into the higher places of God’s spirit .
C4 – (Chamber 4) is the place where we have either passed the test and are gearing up to take our final exam with the fight between the serpent/eagle in Oct/Nov to prepare us for acceleration into God’s heart readying us for breakthrough into the new place.
Friday May 06, 2022
Friday May 06, 2022
Talk about your encounter by seeing angel with your own eyes yesterday /translucent
But God the Father is personally watching over Front Runners in this hour to ensure that we finish our par of race to ensure Kingdom is moving forward right on time.
God is also moving your enemies out of the way permanently! God is moving us into the place of rest where we will be in the “Eye of the storm” with chaos going on all around us – but we will be flourishing and not going through what others are going through- so that the world can see the majesticness of God.
What is Witchcraft Hitting you with?
They are releasing blanket spells over the heavens to affect all intercessors to make your thinking/cognitive abilities seem “Discombobulated”, disorganized, or like you can’t stay on track. The enemy is also trying to get the body into frustration/impatience over the time its taking to pray our FREEDOM back in. REMEMBER: “Faith/Patience are the power twins and these breakthroughs aren’t going to happen in OUR time but in Gods.
If you notice- Warfare has ratcheted up with witches using high black magic where they are using “Fake Christians/TARES, or EVIL KINGS/QUEENS/ and Priest/ as well as evil lions to make decrees/ use witchcraft prayers, or make evil edicts against Gods true remnant to hinder our climbing!
Also remember we have just started C2 and C2 is the fiery part of God’s heart where Holy fire, and strange fire will be coming at a vessel to test the dream/prayer assignment you are praying for. The question is: How well do you take a test because C2 is a “Battle of the Mind” to teach a vessel how to hold onto spiritual things while maneuvering through the test! Its not by might, nor by power – but by God’s spirit says the Lord that we do anything. So God is trying to teach us how to walk through fire (Daniel) and stand in the fire with Jesus while coming out unscathed. Even through evil fire created by men, or those in the flesh.
Your FEELINGS/ nor the things you see in the spirit have anything to do with your faith! They are two separate entities!
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Tuesday May 03, 2022
1) The last 2 weeks (IF YOUR ALIGNED with Christ correctly to enter into the new), you should have been feeling the enemy throw everything at you AND THE KITCHEN SINK to stop some of you from entering into the NEW DIMENSION of Christ. If you’re a Front Runner this would be the NEW level in Christ power/Heart to where HIS SPIRIT would have fallen with WEIGHT!
SO you should be operating in the NEW WEIGHTY presence of God as you’ve come higher into the TREE OF LIFE! JESUS is that tree- as He is the vine and we are its branches as we come into salvation.
2) PRESSURE/STRESS – the past 2 weeks were to distract, hinder, set you back (some financially) to where the enemy could cause you to miss your moment of transition UPWARD into the higher things of God.
3) C2 has OFFICIALLY kicked off and now we have entered into the “Battle of the mind” for our prayer assignments in order to continue on to the finish line. As God will always give us a prayer assignment to assist in the transformation process no matter the level we serve on.
4) The Occult activity has lessoned as you have come up into this new place because CHRIST has started to hide you in His glory. So wait for Gods next directives!
5) Your authenticity levels should have come up higher so that you have entered into a new place Identity wise- meaning: NEW LEVELS OF HEALING have come to allow you to KNOW WHO YOU ARE IN HIM to where the old dysfunction and hurts of the past don’t affect you like they once did.