Tuesday May 23, 2023
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Lord, what do you have to say about Nation?
GOD: Its about to be RESTORED- EVERYTHING….I’m about to put everything back into its place with all things and most things being restored to better than they were before. If you can just wait on ME…as I take you through your RED SEA Experience!
Don’t you think My people got tired when they were crossing over? They too struggled in the climb, the rocks (or things that seemingly got in the way of their journey) But in this new place I am taking you through into the land of the LIVING- where all grave clothes have been taken off so that MY Glory will be the only thing you see!
Everything done to you was NOT done by Me- therefore its not safe and sound and must fall to the ground. You see, you are in a journey where you are learning to look at the RICHNESS of the ground you walk upon.
Just like My people learned to walk through the salt of the sea beneath their feet you too are learning to look upon the ground for which you tread. To ensure that you no longer get into bed with the wrong heart or those who only walk “in part” with me – and not wholly. OR HOLY.
Because the enemy cannot keep MY people from Me! For I will walk across the water to meet you- to ensure that you come out and through instead of just half way like many have feared that is happening to them – but alas! I am here to meet with thee- so that your feet don’t slip on those things the devil would like you to believe.
Because MY people have learned to look for the SALT in all matters- is it RICH with ME? Altered WITH THE HOLY? Or is it just a facade wanting get by or to waste their time- in which is the usual lie? Caused by a heart walking within the heart of an enemy - not a heart /mind like Mine. So this is a season where you must look for the SALT- for the RICH- in Spirit- instead of the flesh – as you cross over because I am walking with Thee- into eternity.
Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
What is Witchcraft hitting you with today? FOR INTERCESSORS:
Well, if you feel like your atmosphere has been thick thick thick with witchcraft you would be right because the enemy of your soul is hitting you with HIGH ELEMENTAL witchcraft (through WATER, FIRE, EARTH and AIR). INTECESSORS- start striking down ALL CODIFIED laws (layered, structured, written/spoken, frontwards or backwards - (even in blood not of Jesus)) conducted through:
- Mathematical, Physics/Geometry, Science, Elemental laws, Universal/manmade laws, with Magic, /spells, demonic seeds/decrees/witchcraft prayers, on the INTL/FED/STATE/CITY/COUNTY/PERSONAL levels. THEN- take down all Native American witchcraft, all rituals/rites/ceremonies (innocent blood sacrifices, evil altars, altar ingredients, Demonic realities, I Cor 1:19, Ex 15:6 (Gods hand- SHATTERED).
Because the enemy is trying to get you to take on/ BELIEVE HIS REALITY over the reality that God wants to give to you and use you to CO – CREATE over America!
Whats Going on in America?
Well, the enemy has released Elemental witchcraft on the INTL/FED/STATE/CITY/COUNTY/PERSONAL levels to force their reality into being a reality. So what we are seeing are the Black Hats vs. White hats in the heat of battle. And INTERCESSOR- THIS IS YOUR moment to participate in history. Many are getting overwhelmed by the battle so they are having a hard time understanding the level of witchcraft hitting them. And that is just one theatre we are fighting on. The other theatre we are fighting on is against the other ¾ of the church that refuses to align in TIME, with Gods heart for the DIVINE. SO they are stuck in their flesh and reacting to everything around them.
For the OBEDEIENT: AS OF TODAY: YOUR STORM IS OVER- YOU’VE CROSSED OVER- as to last week when you were probably feeling MUCH warfare because that was your MIDWAY! But we have to get through the next 30 days to FORCE the entire nation back to its knees in prayer/which will bring REVIVAL and SET MANY MANY MANY people FREE!
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Distractions, Basilisk, but God is using the enemies of your soul to push you higher!
If you were on the bridge in my vision from last week, then as of THIS past SUNDAY Jesus has stepped in between you and the enemies of your soul to protect you for what they have entered into because of disobedience. So your storms are clearing and theirs have just begun for not listening or for only listening to spirits they refused to get free from (i.e.- RELIGION/ JEZEBEL, WITCHCRAFT) all the while they were getting further and further behind spiritually. Although you are tired warrior- NOW is not the time to lose focus as the enemy is trying to bring back weaknesses you have struggled with long ago, just in a different form- in hopes to cause you to stumble and lose sight of where God is taking you. DON’T LOSE YOUR FOCUS! NO MATTER WHAT! AND DON’T YOU ALLOW ANYONE to disrupt your time with God!
If your warfare has shifted that means you have come all the way across your Jordan and are entering your new land. Which proves the word for C2 to be fitting for the obedient in that God told us that our C2 this year would be “SMOOTH AS BUTTA!”
MOVIE I JUST SAW: GREATEST GAME EVER PLAYED! Where God was raising up a bunch of HIGHLY SKILLED/GIFTED (what the movie called AMATURES) in golf. The story is about a young man (20 something) who was HIGHLY GIFTED by God to play golf. But he was always told he wasn’t good enough, or smart enough, or of the right social status in order to play with the TITANS (pro Golfers). But because of the good men/women who saw his gift this young man went on to beat ALL the pro players on the first U.S. OPEN in America’s history. Which changed history!
Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
I purposefully DO NOT teach on these REVS- but instead give prophetic oversight for Intercessor so that YOU can then go and get the needed freedom IF YOU SO CHOOSE. Notice I said: “IF YOU CHOOSE” so your future is all up to you to participate in if you get freedom to come up higher above the witchcraft that God had me tell you would confine you if you CHOSE NOT TO!
BUT AGAIN- I cannot- and WILL NOT walk your walk for you- nor should you expect ANY leader to. Its not our responsibility because at the end of your life I will NOT be standing in front of Christ with you, but BY MYSELF, like you will be doing. You will standing BY YOURSELF answering for what YOU CHOSE to do and NOT DO!
Hence- I’m off the hook for any responsibility for your life when its all yours….to do with it as you like while your in the earth. Afterwards- that’s a different ballgame.
But I believe that God is helping those who proclaim to be a part of the body of Christ to better understand that they’d better get off their duffs and start getting cleaned up if they want to be included. Because you can’t claim to be a part of something/or a body if you don’t participate!
Meaning: ANY group that you join doesn’t like NOR DO THEY TOLERATE ROGUE AGENTS! SO – aligning with our CEO (GOD/JESUS/HOLY GHOST) guess what we get to do? We get to learn to OBEY- TRUST AND OBEY a good Father because he knows how to get you into safety LITTLE SHEEPIE- but the problem is is that most of the body of Christ have become control freaks demanding to be in control of their own destiny. When only God knows how to get you there – NOT YOU!
And at this leg of the journey time is getting late and Gods is looking for sheep to participate and actually PRACTICE BIBLE! WHAT A NOVEL IDEA! To actually become who we say we are, which takes me back to my first statement: YOU CANNOT say you are part of a body/or a group if YOU ARE DOING YOUR OWN THING!
THAT MEANS YOU are serving another king! ANOTHER KINGDOM- which means you are NOT part of Gods Kingdom! Because when we get free we don’t want to sin any longer! We just want to please the Lord. And hang out with Him and those He adores until He places us on assignment which opens up different heavenly doors. But that’s only after we have proved our faithfulness in the part of kingdom God has entrusted to us.
Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
This word is for those standing on the INTL/FED/STATE/CITY/COUNTY/PERSONAL LEVELS: The Lord says that I have tolerated your insolence for long enough to where I have observed you choosing witchcraft over the TRUTH! So that you might have your own way in a season where ONLY MY WAYS are going to be accepted. I have observed you walking and CHOOSING to walk/talk and BALK through man’s ways instead of taking your WALKS with ME seriously! Did you think I was kidding when I told you to get cleaned up?! But instead YOU as leaders KNEW what I expected yet you rejected My warnings- and so NOW I issue you a DIRE WARNING ON ALL LEVELS! For all of you who have chosen to play BOTH sides of the aisle/ or to play and walk in both the kingdom of light and darkness thinking I wouldn’t notice! The Lord says for those of you leaders who have walked like ELI- having sons/daughters (FAKE SHEEP ) who are allowed to act (AND PRAY) any old way they choose- the Lord says I have released the spirit of IMMENENT DOOM upon you as a leader (AS JUDGMENT) for not obeying Me! And then I will begin to UPROOT you out of the land. For many in the world; they will pass this off as a vaccine last stand with complications coming from weak hearts who refused the truth to stand! But for those WHO KNOW ME- and have PURPOSEFULLY chosen to balk at My commands: I AM NOW DEPOSING YOU FROM SERVICE and some of you who are uprooted – with NOT VACCINE for an excuse, PURPOSEFULLY DONE so that THOSE AROUND YOU would KNOW that I AM A FATHER WHO KEEPS HIS WORD!
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
Sunday Apr 30, 2023
As soon as I walked into our house today (to cross the threshold- HIGHLY PROPHETIC) I sensed VERY STRONGLY that the OBEDIENT HAD CROSSED A VERY LUCRATIVE THRESHOLD SPIRITUALLY! And that life as we knew it was about to change forever! BUT FOR THE GOOD!
Christians/Non Christians are all walking through a simulation at present, with Good/Bad events taking place to see how people will react/respond to them. BUT THIS IS NOT THE REAL EVENT- or end times were people will be sought out to harm unless you become a specific threat.
The Lord said that all dictators/thugs around the word have sought to plunder the U.S. because they were so sure they had this in the bag (ONE WORLD GOV’T- DEEP STATE/MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX), where they could plunder the U.S. blessings, monies to distribute to all world leaders who they could pay off to participate. SO EVERYONE participating has been paid off WITH YOUR MONEY AMERICA! YOUR HARD-EARNED MONEY! YOU’RE PAYING FOR THE COUP AGAINST YOU! AND BOTH sides of the aisle KNOW this is going on and have diligently been watching it from the sidelines (with many having a front row seat) as the American population stands in panic because of what they don’t know. SO ALL ARE GUILTY FOR NOT STANDING IN RIGHTEOUSNESS who have chosen to stay silent!
I asked the Lord what was going to happen in the future economically and this is what He said:
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
Tuesday Apr 25, 2023
The body of Christ finds themselves in the most peculiar place because of ¾ of the body being across a chasm from the other part.
We are standing in the weirdest part of the spirit (within Transition) that I have ever sensed in my lifetime. I believe because we are in a battle between good and evil with regard over WHOSE kingdom will reside in this next place by the spirit yet we have ¾ of the body helping the devil construct his because they’ve gotten caught up in a demonic mindset of witchcraft. While having leaders vy for the right to go to hell by demanding to stay underneath the apparatus of religion which has driven the TRUE believers out of the church.
We are sitting in a 3 week stormy season with storms manifesting in the natural/by the spirit as the body enters into CONTRACTION POINT 2 (C2- as we so lovingly refer to it) AKA: CHAMBER 2 of Gods heart. The chamber of fire where we begin to enter the dark season of refinement, to where we can either attain the mind of Christ or stay in the flesh. By God allowing witchcraft/strange fire to come at us in our minds/wills/emotions to test us to see what triggers we still need to be delivered of which keep us earth bound.
We have ¼ crossing over into their Promiseland blessings vying over TIME- because if you haven’t noticed the battle is OVER TIME. With whose Kingdom is going to come to pass, GODS or the DEVILS.
THIS is what you should be experiencing which will prove to you where you are at in this season:
If you are experiencing pressure already- chances are you were one who demanded to stay the same and you set your heart/mind in the place to disobey the Lord and not step into the TRUST TEST.
So you are entering C2 with MEGA pressure in Gods attempt at helping you to get free and come up into higher levels of love. If you choose not to then you will have to answer to Him for what you choose to do/ or not do.
They are submitting to the process, there might be a little pressure, but mainly you should be experiencing this weirdness of the TRANSITION over into the new. But don’t get fearful, because God has your footsteps ordered. God knows you are tired, but He also knows that you desire to come up higher into His love/safety. And He is honoring your hearts desire as you choose to honor Him.
SO this Trust Test has now turned into a test of TREVAIL, to where many are at the place of saying “I don’t know if I can do this any longer?” While God is saying “GOOD- because that’s where I have taken over and am literally leading your heart/footsteps across your Jordan.
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Friday Apr 21, 2023
STORMY Days ahead the next 3 weeks- spiritually and in the natural. I sense that things are heating up on the governmental stage between black hats and white hats. So what you should be seeing the next 3 weeks are MAJOR irregular storms in the natural and by the spirit. Because the body is already tired, so if you don’t know how to break off the arrows coming at your faith, love, hope, belief, confidence, & trust in the Lord and His word, then you won’t make it into this new level.
Matter of fact, the majority, if not ALL enemies will lose their way in C2 this year- because C2 is set up purposefully by God to force people to fail, or to find out WHO will trevail, and press into Gods heart HIS WAY! Not mans! So you think your way will stand in Chamber 2 of Gods fiery portion of His heart, you are kidding yourself. Because C2 is built to REFINE or JUDGE. Its all up to you- as to how you walk through Kingdom. In Life or in Death. Every day we have the choice to choose LIFE or CHOOSE death. If you are walking in the flesh you are walking in DEATH.
But when we choose to change and be changed more into Gods LOVE/HIS WAYS we are choosing LIFE! But when you lower your standards and do life YOUR WAY vs. YAWEHS way, your building the enemies kingdom within you. Instead of Gods. And God doesn’t serve the devil the devil serves God and His purposes! So do we whether we want to or not!
But whats happening to you at this portion of your testing? Whats Witchcraft being used by God to hit His people with? Because THIS IS THE PERMISSIVE WILL OF GOD. When God allows evil to come at His people for a greater purpose!
The enemy WANTS Americans to lose interest at this point in the test so that they stop paying attention/ they stop praying which is a TACTIC of C2. To get your mind SO tired that you quit pressing into the new level of Gods spirit so that you can hit the place of safety!
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Tuesday Apr 18, 2023
Whats Going on in the Body of Christ:
Is that the two streams (SOUR WINE vs. NEW WINE) have formulated as a Stream of death (with those stuck underneath the apparatus of Religion/Death and then the Stream with those who came over into LIFE) And NEW POWER!
So naturally- all the prophetic voices of ALL FIVE-FOLD operating under the spirit of religion are releasing DEATH into the atmosphere over America because they were listening to the demons on their vessels they hadn’t been delivered of yet in their bloodlines!
AND THEY WERE SO SURE they were correct! Yet, had God honored their words this nation would be in a world of hurt right now! THANK GOD for the few good men/women who continue to press into God OBEDIENTLY! Doing whatever God tells them to do so that we can move at the higher levels.
SO you see- the MACRO/MICRO spells set in place by the occult were used for the good of America. The Lord used words of death (released by the occult) to hold back words of death by those proclaiming to be Gods when in reality they have been serving the devil. Matter of fact, I stopped listening to some speakers/voices because of the spirit of death/bitterness/fear in their voices/hearts. I sensed it and thought – what are they afraid of? There is NO fear in love. And I knew God was a God of prosperity/happy endings and that HE ALWAYS took care of His own! So their messages STOPPED resonating with me. And I got away from them but didn’t understand why until 2 years ago. It was because they operated under death.
Unless these types get cleaned up they will fall into the grouping of “Lord Lord, with God saying DEPART- I DON’T KNOW YOU, BUT GOD I DID THIS IN YOUR NAME etc. etc.!
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Last night I was watching a couple of Movies and one with Dennis Quaid (who plays Doug White) was called “A Wing and a Prayer” who played the role about a man/his family who’s pilot died right after take off. Where the only HELP & experience he had flying a plane was from God while God helped him fly on the experience from flying in a little Cessna for a plane much much bigger. The entire movie is about MR. White having to LEARN how to safely land a plane to save himself/his entire family from insurmountable danger. And the only thing that carried him was prayer/ his faith/ as well as a few good people (on the flight tower) who could guide him home back to safely.
It was SUCH a great movie- and so inspirational but so poignant for the times we now live.
Kind of like the situation America is in right now where we are having to land this baby (America) safe and sound back home and get as many Americans/people around the world as will listen back into Gods love/glory again. Because getting us back into Gods love/glory is a bigger task than many of us thought it would be because half the battle is getting people to wake up to know what time it is (because the hour is late) which will help to land this plane safely so that we all don’t crash and burn.
Ocean Ramsey VIDEO
Then I watched this other show about Ocean Ramsey who lives in Hawaii but has this unique ability to swim with Great white sharks. Her life objective is to show society that not only can they save sharks but can swim amongst them. I DECLINE!