Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Last night I went driving to talk to the Lord, and to talk to a prophetic friend. What she didn’t know was that for the past week the Lord has been speaking to me about this past year of 2023 into 2024. Asking/Telling me this:
1) Missy- Did you know that since 2023 began, I began tightening the ropes of truth to see if My people would walk out into it, like a tight rope, between the truth and a lie. Or would they just settle for the lower levels of living? Because the BRIDE has JUST NOW entered into a 4 part escalation of truth with 4 truth doors.
Which means that EVERY member of the body of Christ had 4 opportunities this year to get free and come near Me as a Holy God.
But in order to come near and step into ALL TRUTH- that means you had to get rid of you/your flesh or those things that I told you I would place my finger on.
BUT in order to come near- and live in the TRUTH- each step/EACH DOOR also held spiritual laws that required ALL members of society/TRUE BRIDE to quit pushing the elephant in the room under the door.
2) But in order to even do that, to come up into these 4 new spiritual levels (the last occurring in October with the fight between the Serpent/Snake) to test the Bride to see if she would go back to old ways of behaving or would she CHOOSE to change/and come inside.
3) Would she quit bullying/harassing, infighting acting just like the world, or acting like people didn’t have the right to ask God to defend them in their quest to force fake Christians to do what God said was right, by twisting truth to make truth what they wanted it to be…..
No, that’s not truth at all – that’s a false version of Gods realitiy. AKA- DEMONIC.
4) SO! From this point on, as confirmed through the prophet (a good friend of mine), God said, if we all want to come in to truth GODS REQUIRING US TO ALIGN! To get up, and own up, to our mistakes if need be….but THAT’S THE FIRST STEP INTO ENTERING HEAVENS TRUTHFUL REALITY!
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Friday Sep 29, 2023
Many of you think you know which way to go without considering what I have told the TRUE PROPHETS in the NEW WINE! Because many of you are inclined to do “your own thing” without considering the divine place I would like to place you. With your false declarations/false decrees you have made up your minds about what you are going to tell Me without considering that ITS MY WORD that comes to pass, not the one speaking making themselves out to be an ass (just like BALAAM), where he thought he would speak for Me without getting free himself from his foolish needs to BE: 1) BE like me- which is what Satan said when he thought he would ascend and try to take the throne from the one in command.
DID YOU REALLY THINK I DID NOT HEAR- as I have drawn near to all of mankind looking to see who might be inclined to get cleaned up so they might come inside? To dwell near Me- MY TRUE BRIDE!
To that I would have to say you thought this was Burger King, that you could drive through without getting cleaned- to grab your meal of manna, or fake kings decree- well, welcome to REALITY- TRUE KINGDOM IS NOT BURGER KING- where you get it “YOUR WAY” – because starting in 2023- STRICT spiritual laws have begun to reset time to where ONLY THOSE seriously wanting to come inside- they didn’t want a burger- or fake meat, (FAKE MANNA) to help them just “Get by.” THEY TRULY WANTED TO KNOW THE TRUE KING- and what I had to say about a thing! SO they could come forward into destiny and kingdom!
And by the way, all you DISOBEDIENT FIVE FOLD (whether occult, or those who oppose Me) constantly sticking their nose into things they know not of- they have little facts, where they lack the truth about things, so they go on mans ideas, THOSE DISOBEDIENT hearts telling them, playing victim, when that heart is really a perpetrator that God has judged. That heart has been demoted, SO MY TRUTH HAS GONE FORTH. Through 1, 2, 3, 4 TRUTH PROPHETS YOU SAY……
How many more confirmations you do you, because up until this point NONE OF YOUR WORDS HAVE BEEN ALLOWED TO SUCCEED. So as you enter the 11 o’clock hour, I NOW WARN YOU AGAIN!
REPENT REPENT REPENT – you disobedient hearts – get cleaned up so you can come in!
OR GET JUDGED for refusing to obey the King! You can be angry with Me all you want Saul….but the day you acknowledge your own disobedience will be the day you quit being led astray.
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Whats going on around you spiritually: WE are dealing with MANY with the need to get cleaned up – because their hearts have either been polluted with religion/death or with personal hurts/bloodline corruption. So what the BRIDE IS CURRENTLY experiencing is coming from the hearts of corruption in their frustration to entering into Heavnly things. SO HALF the Brides battle has been to fight NOT ONLY THE OCCULT but now those stuck in corruption, either way, they are going the WRONG WAY! AND not towards Heaven. Which is the key to revival KEY for many looking to come back to the King and participate in the latter Glory. They can still come to the part but they have to get rid of their heart ache…and those things that keep them STUCK away from entering where they desire to be. BRIDE: DON’T YOU DARE QUIT PRAYING AND PRESSING FORWARD! YOU ARE ALMOST THERE! ~ GOD knows your exhausted, but the good news is – YOUR ENEMY IS WORSE THAN YOU, and only YOU can get through to the other side. To where you can begin to abide in Heavenly places.
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Happy Rosh Hashanah! Which means: It’s the Head of the Year for Israel! Did you get through yours? Because if you’ve been under HEAVY warfare all week, THAT’S probably the reason why- - You were pressing to get into the new!
What is the Body of Christ dealing with now:
Holy Realities vs. Unholy Realities
My people are having a difficult time discerning between My holy realities that move SOME into the spirit, while others are getting stuck with the demonic realities/realms of the enemy. Because they haven’t sought to get cleaned up to be able to recognize the difference between the two.
Hence, the ENTIRE nation is having difficulty believing Me in what I told them I would do for them. If you can’t TRULY SEE- because you’ve chosen NOT to enter in, how will you be able to understand/perceive the differences in TRUTHS REALITIES vs. a LIE? Because the only way to know the difference is to KNOW ME- at higher levels as I guide you into ALL TRUTH- into Heaven’s Majesty!
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
Tuesday Aug 29, 2023
SUPPOSEDLY- there are new variants OF COVID coming out, and I didn’t believe it until our neighbors came home a week early from an Alaskan cruise because of SUPPOSEDLY having been diagnosed with it. SO – it appears to be true……and you need to be taking the necessary precautions NOT to get it. Because the day before that occurred (and we found out) the Lord told me – if anyone around you gets this COVID AGAIN- STAY AWAY FROM THEM- because this variant is DIFFERENT from the rest. And this variant is harder to get healed over. Because of how this variant adapts itself to fight off meds taken.
THE ENEMY IS DESPARATE to stay afloat- but the intercessors around the world are learning how to battle them and we are learning how to take down their ley lines, macro/micro spells. So going forward, if you want to keep moving forward, COMMAND ALL WORD WEAPONS from those NOT ALIGNING with the TRUE KINGS DECREE, ESPECAILLY THE OCCULT and their words/spells/magic, to FALL TO THE GROUND- INCLUDING FIVE FOLD MINISTERS SPEAKING OUTSIDE OF GODS WILL! LAM 3:37-38.
THIS will keep the spiritual atmosphere clear to where the TRUE PRAYERS OF THE TRUE BRIDE CAN MOVE IN TO THE THRONEROOM OF GOD! It will also force those opposing God to get their butts into deliverance ministry and get cleaned up once their prayers stopped being answered.
Because I don’t know about you- but God just told me THIS MORNING that He is NOW moving His FAITHFUL FEW (THE TRUE BRIDE) into a higher position as of last night! A VERY HIGH POSITION spiritually to where the spiritual laws are significantly changing. SO we have to rely on GOD AND WHAT HE SAYS COMPLETELY.
Saturday Aug 26, 2023
Saturday Aug 26, 2023
Saturday Aug 26, 2023
WHATS GOING ON SPIRITUALLY/NATURALLY? IN THE NATURAL: If you haven’t noticed things are heating up on the world scene with the TRUTH coming out EVERYWHERE now! People are standing up, they are fed up and not putting up with the illegal compliances any longer. As well as not being held hostage to an illegal regime that has us stuck in a coup at present. So your best advice would be to SPEAK THE TRUTH wherever God takes you! STAND UP and be counted because the more people we get speaking the truth the more this coup will realize we aren’t tolerating them any longer! BUT GOOD NEWS: THINGS ARE TURNING AROUND SAFE AND SOUND just like GOD originally told us they would! THEY ARE TURNING ON A DIME! And it began 3 days ago! THE NEW SHIFT to push the truth INSIDE to where Americans/ Christians all over the world would know God hadn’t forgotten them! As for you personally: God knows that you are weary- and He knows you are a VERY TIRED BRIDE and its taken A LOT for you to begin to come inside! To abide in his presence!
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
There is a U.S. Marshall anointing beginning to rest on SOME of the Five-Fold who God raised up for the latter Glory season. But what does this mean?
Do you understand that U.S. Marshalls are called to do a HUGE job- with BIG anointings/authority on large levels. So the Five-Fold being raised up in this hour are Heavenly Five Fold. So these spiritual Marshalls deal with HUGE devils. And in this season God has raised up these TRUTH warriors specifically born into this time frame to help RESET TRUTH AND TIME. As well as cast down big demons so that the earth can align.
Because so many of you have said: “OH I want to walk in the divine- the latter glory, we want revival without considering what it means to WALK IN RIGHT TIME/OR TRUTH- especially the highly emotional (or mercy oriented/many dysfunctional sheep) because what they forget is that TRUTH IS INTENSE. AND ALL of Gods truth/GLORY include MANKIND stepping into Gods story. And stepping out of their own. Because if the TRUTH be known- when it comes to stepping into LOVE/or the spiritual atmospheres from above, what we begin to see is a bunch of fickle hearts begin to backtrack once they see GODS reality. And to step into Gods surroundings we have to keep it clean. There can be no lack of standards when it comes to love – because TRUTH lays down its life with all it has from above. God says: IN this hour- You’d had BETTER not buckle to mans words against you, and YOU HAD BETTER NOT BACK UP FROM THE TRUTH! Because My eyes are on those who have said “Oh we want a touch from above-only to see them recoil to man when it comes to standing up IN TRUTH/LOVE! You see, true LOVE will get hard on you when you refuse to see/do what God sees! It’s the job of the U.S. Heavenly Marshalls that are now ushering in divine presence through truth testimonies. Those TRUTH PREACHERS, APOSTLES – not the fake- but the TRUE- to help bring mankind back into TRUE TIME so they can be made new!