Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
The interesting thing happening is that as the TRUE BRIDE rises up in ALL TRUTH, all lies are not able to stand up in the room.
MEANING: ANYONE refusing to operate in the truth GOD WILL NOT HEAR THEM, or their words do not stand up in Heavens Courts. Because on the TRUTH will stand up in court at the level holy people are operating at.
THIS IS THE PURPOSE of Front Running, to FORCE ALL PEOPLE to come up to a new standard. This new standard is what those around many of you are angry about- because most selfish people don’t want to change, especially if THEY are benefitting from their sin! But in this season, God is saying, NO MORE! Because I have COME through the door and I am bringing MY truth people into their MORE!
So all these irritating attacks many of the BRIDE have been fighting through are the attacks of a LAWLESS enemy trying to keep you from getting through. Because their attitudes are “Well, if I can’t have it, neither can you!” But God is saying “HA! Really- then you need to learn a thing/or two about TRUTH! Because what I do for them I will do for you, but if you CHOOSE not to come in then you have nobody to blame BUT YOU- and now I’m making you OWN IT! OWN your lack of persistence, accountability/laziness. You see, there is a high price for slothfulness. Fatigue is one thing, but sheer laziness/usuary is another in the lazy virgins who CHOSE not to stay abreast of new wine/information so they could keep their lamps lit. Staying in TIME with a HOLY KING so they could avoid suffering and NOW they are demanding an audience with the KING- saying any fleshly thing- to avoid suffering. BUT it’s the heart that I seek, says the Lord, The heart that seeks Me.
Saturday Dec 09, 2023
Saturday Dec 09, 2023
Many leaders sense by the spirit that the new season we are entering into is going to be an intense one. As 2024 is already gaining momentum – many are losing fire power, while we watch the occult try to maintain their ground. So what we are observing is the enemy (on all fronts) begin to lose his footing because nothing he does will stand. So what these enemies are doing is going to righteous men to get them to do their evil bidding against the innocents. Because they NOW KNOW they have NOT entered in. AND that God is beginning to UNCOVER THEIR SIN- for all the world to see! The hidden REALITY that GOD DOES NOT LIE, NOR does He live in the old by and by. So this “Good old boy” mentality that many have maintained – is now beginning to wane, as a man cannot save man. So we are at the beginning of seeing how men operate vs. God as King. Because man has his ways when God says His ways are not our own. And God is about to MAKE FOOLS of all of them. The Spirit of the Lord says this: Everything I have spoken to you thus far has been to prepare you for where I am taking you. This new place has begun to sway many opinions because no one seems to understand what I am having them step within. Because all man has known up until this day are the superficial levels of loving. Therefore, MAN has changed his disposition to account for fleshly desires, giving way to what HE wants instead of what I want him to step into. And because man likes his man made delicacies he has refused the King when summoned to come in.
Saturday Dec 09, 2023
Saturday Dec 09, 2023
Saturday Dec 09, 2023
Has God EVER LIED TO YOU? HAS HE NEVER COME THROUGH? Because we are living in a season where God is teaching of HIS FAITHFULNESS! And ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS TRUST HIM! THE NEW MOVER TRUTHERS already have the FAKE CHURCH freaking out because some within that grouping are now being faced with being MAJORING EXPOSED FOR CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING. SO now they are on a quest to shut down all NEW MOVERS believing for the NEW MOVE OF GOD. Because these corrupt leaders know that ONCE the sheep grab hold of Gods vision WHATS WITCHCRAFT coming at you with? WELL, its coming out of the woodwork now as they are seem to think Halloween extends all year long. And then you’d think that ¾ of the church joined ranks with them with the ways many are beginning to behave now too. I had a testing situation JUST TODAY when I had to order this part for my car and my car was already at the shop. EXPOUND. So right now whats going on is that we are seeing VERY VERY good things happening and VERY VERY bad things happening. But what I am seeing is that as soon as the devil hits me in others GOD TURNS IT AROUND INSTANTLY! IF I focus and keep focusing on Him! Because the enemies main focus is to make us as miserable as him/them so what I am seeing is A LOT of miserable people trying to take it out on those around them. AVOID them if possible. But if you have to interact- PICK YOUR BATTLES!
Saturday Dec 09, 2023
Saturday Dec 09, 2023
Diamonds form under pressure., Refracted light. So we shower light on everyone. Carbon is black. Under pressure it creates a diamond. Many feel as if they have lost their blessings, or that they are becoming disconnected from where they once were going. But is only A DEMONIC ILLUSION! To make you think “All is lost” or to make you give up intercessor! DO NOT QUIT just because you feel as if you are walking in the dark! Because God is teaching you HOW TO TRUST HIM IN THE DARK! Many have asked the Lord: Lord Have I done something wrong? But its not that we are doing anything wrong, but something VERY RIGHT! We are coming into Gods light as the enemies forces are being used as a pressure tool to force us to ALIGN RIGHT! REFRACTION OF LIGHT: Refraction is the bending of light (it also happens with sound, water and other waves) as it passes from one transparent substance into ... Refraction Of Light · Change Of Speed Causes... ·
Saturday Dec 09, 2023
Saturday Dec 09, 2023
FOR INTERCESSORS: WITCHES/SATANIST are making DOPPLEGANGERS/CLONES of spiritual leaders to where they think they can use the authority on those FALSELY CREATED SPIRITUAL vessels made in our image to illegally create demonic realities around THE BRIDE! But what they fail to recognize is that GOD KNOWS HIMSELF! He knows when a vessel houses Jesus, vs. FALSE AUTHORITY! SO, INTERCESSORS, YOU NEED TO BE DISSOLVING ALL COURT ORDERS ( MOTIONS/ PLEADINGS/ ORDERS), EXECUTIVE ORDERS, CODIFIED WORDS/MAGIC/SPELLS/LAWS MADE THRU FALSE AUTHORITY JER 51:36, JER 50:38 FOR THOSE OF YOU OPERATING IN THE TRUE LOVE OF GOD (BRIDE) IF YOUR WORDS ARE “OF GOD” THEY WILL STAND! I SAM 3:19
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Happy PRE-THANKSGIVING- as I hope your getting ready for this Holiday season with gusto! And although this is probably not going to be like any holiday season we’ve ever experienced – God is getting you PREPPED for 2024! So the first thing I am going to tell you is that my vessel abides at the 11 AM hour, the hour RIGHT BEFORE JUDGMENT HITS. So my words are going to be sharp. IF you don’t have enough of GOD/LOVE in you- (where true love is unoffendable) you will only see me through your eyes of flesh/religion. But if you truly have Jesus, you will see my heart, and see me as He sees me. THIS is the key to coming forth in TIME- is to FORCE YOURSELF NOW to listen to TRUTH PROPHETS who are forcing you (through God in them) to ALIGN! IF not, you will resent us and the devil will begin trying to use your vessel which will place you under Gods judgement for touching us the wrong way. SO I GIVE THIS WARNING: BE CAREFUL FROM THIS POINT WHO YOU PUT YOUR MOUTH ON. Because as truth walks into the room, and inhabits Gods BRIDE, SO IS HIS JUDGEMENT. And when you touch a vessel the wrong way, with lies of the devil in you which you choose NOT to be delivered of. THEN THAT DEVIL IS USING YOU TO GET YOU JUDGED BY TEMPTING YOU TO PUT YOUR MOUTH ON GOD IN US. AND A HEADS UP FOR ALL YOU RELIGIOUS PEOPLE TOO/LEADERS TOO: Some of you who think we TRUTH PROPHETS will be swayed by your false judgments of us, we are not moved. Because God has made us IN HIS IMAGE- not a clone of you. So if our image, our speech, ways do to align with your false perception of God , chances are you need to get free from YOU! And your false structure! Because even a little bit of religion is the leaven messing up your gifts. From seeing PURELY IN GODS SPIRIT WITHIN YOU!
Thursday Nov 16, 2023
Thursday Nov 16, 2023
We are in a time where the enemy has worn people out psychologically/spiritually to where they just want to think about something else! I think people are at this place where they feel that if they have to listen to ONE MORE news program, or podcast, or ANYONE-they are going to vomit! So the holidays provide a great opportunity to get their minds off the stress, and onto another type of stress. But the problem is that we can’t run from whats coming. SO we might as well face it with God. Instead of by ourselves. With many trying to look back to the way things used to be- when we are never returning to those times again. SO the faster we decide to COME BACK IN- the sooner our peace returns. But getting there is key- because in trying to get back to LOVE, back to Gods peace, requires A LOT of warfare. Because the enemy is not letting go of society/their minds/ wills/emotions. Or their hearts- where he stole many hearts because they bought into the lie by trying to be like him. OR THE WORLD- instead of staying set apart. Prophetic Word for 2024: ASK THE LORD ABOUT EVERYTHING! Because in 2024 there will be shootings, MANY False Flags, so we will need to be aware of what/where God is wanting us to be. God says that 2024 will be filled with chaos, because of the enemy trying to crawl, to hold on to power but with little success. Because Gods Bride is now entering Her BEST TIME- those Front Runners who obeyed and picked up their cross, while many have suffered much loss, those Josephs who have stood the test of TIME, so that MANY (Like Jesus on the Cross) could enter the Divine. Because they knew God was taking them somewhere.
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Have you guys heard of VIVEK RASHAMEY? He is running for president, but I think he’s actually a white hat. Because he’s has to know that TRUMP/White hats are leading by a landslide. But either way, if you haven’t heard him, you need to go and listen to him because he’s SLICING/DICING with the truth, tearing up the media- telling them off, as well as the Deep State, confronting the attack on Christians. So if this guy does nothing else but to get the truth out there to Americans- HE’S DOING HIS JOB! Even a better job than the fake media/fake prophets in church. Because the fake church is so offended that they don’t know their head from a hole in the wall. So they and the FAKE media (even on social media) are desperately trying to shut down the TRUTHERS! Because they know an uprising is coming! AN UPRISING OF TRUTH! Vision I saw this lens and its edges were blackened, dirty, matter of fact the entire lens was dirty, you could see light when there was light around, but people without a proper lens COULD NOT see in the dark. Then I began to watch & see a city full of darkness, and there were people walking around with these lenses around them, but I knew they were Christian. But then even when the day came, they could see a little better, but could not see at night, or through the darkness the way in which they were to go. Then I saw myself traveling through a book tunnel into the Library of one Gods palaces. Where an angel saw that I saw them as they were helping Jesus open a book to give to me. It dealt with the book of Time:
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
Thursday Nov 02, 2023
I’m going to talk “WORLD” to you since some of you are so determine to stay out there in it. IT wont’ make me any less Chrisitan, but it will make me real, in my determination to get through to some of you. Besides – most of you talk like this outside the church anyhow. So what difference does it make? I’m just going to be honest enough to speak the truth. What is the enemy hitting you with: There is good/bad news! Bad News FIRST: The occult is trying to trying to get American’s to ONLY see the Demonic Realities illusions so you quit/give up! THERE are 2 REALITIES going on right now! SO YOU have to choose to continue believing/standing with God in what He has given you to pray in. THIS is part of your maturity process as the BRIDE of Christ. And we are literally HEAD TO HEAD with the demonic in people, in the way the occult has released demonic activity into our atmospheres to affect those around us, our atmospheres themselves, our senses/ Five Fold gifts, to stop us from moving into our new! BUT GOD! Good News Next: If you are the BRIDE- which is a small portion, what you are actually dealing with are the portion of people who are dead inside. So the sprit of death is coming at you to cause you to die right along with them. Which is probably the best thing that could ever happen to them, because if they are forced to go through hardship – WHICH IS COMING IN 2023- with the SEVERITY of spiritual laws changing) then they will either go through FIRE to FORCEFULLY come out of those demonic spirits on their bloodlines, or something worse. But its entirely up to them. So as some of you intercessors can see, your lack of choosing to get free is now costing you. Because you have no power to come up and out, UNLESS you choose to get free from you/bloodline cursings and operate in LOVE! Because even if you do get your hands on the court of Heaven information, ALL your words are easily overthrown! Because We are NOT OUR OWN! And unless you have the TRUE Kings Decree God is not going to be helping you to overcome your enemy any time soon!