Friday Mar 25, 2022
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Friday Mar 25, 2022
We are moving into a place to where we will begin to walk with God like Enoch
Do NOT Let the enemy steal your identity- because if so you will lose sight of your destiny. (Bullock, 2022).
God has us walking in the spirit where the wind will blow and if we maintain our identity, we WILL see our future! Satan is trying to take our prosperity so if we identify with him- he wins. But if we identify with God the devils not taking ANYTHING!
Whenever you hear the phrase walking with God, you might immediately think of one person in the Bible: Enoch. Most do. Interestingly, the prophet Noah also walked with God (Gen 6:9). The name “Enoch” in the original languages means to instruct or to initiate. It also means dedicated, consecrated and experienced. The prophet Enoch dedicated and consecrated himself to walk with God. He fixed his life – he purposed to– on intimacy and friendship with the Almighty (Selvaraj, 2017).
While we are entering into our new place the enemy is doing his best to tempt us to go back to EGYPT. And just like Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness stating:
Matthew 4:1-11
At that time Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. He fasted for forty days and forty nights and afterwards was hungry. The tempter approached and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become loaves of bread.
So in this place God is showing us who we are as God moves us through this new level teaching us how to maintain positioning while, teaching us how to battle witchcraft, while teaching us about WHO we are in HIM!
Its all about identity.
Government Seal/Mandate- cannot not hold resurrection power. Resurrection power is coming through the FULLNESS of Christ on the vessels determined to follow God into the new place of power!
Harvest is simply resurrection power as God prepares His people to come into the fullness of His spirit.
It was God Himself who initiated Enoch into the spiritual realms and instructed him in matters of eternal significance. The prophet Enoch, then, became known as the experienced one.
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Is getting hotter, more pressure early. Partially because of having to deal with immature Christians praying witchcraft prayers against one another caused by blanket spells against unity. So they are misinterpreting the attacks where the enemy is making them think are coming from other believers when in reality these are spells released across the U.S. to cause disunity/strife trying to get our house to fall.
And if you think about things logically- and are operating in love, you firstly
- Should have more than your fair share of things to do instead of causing issues for other brothers/sisters in the Lord, and if you don’t then you need deliverance for arrogance/tail bearing/stirring up strife. But then again, some church people are so messed up they are lost as a goose in a hailstorm. THESE- are the tares that we are battling in this hour.
- The Occult- we are dealing with VERY high level sorcerers who have the equivalent of the magicians in Moses’s day where they came and laid their staffs (false authority) down besides Moses’s staff. Until God had Moses staff eat their up because Gods authority will always be higher than any other. But they are using Elemental Magic with the Water, fire, earth and air elements to CREATE demonic weather patterns around us.
How to Break it off: Erase/cancel all taglocks between their evil altars (from the inside out), NULLIFY all their ingredients on those altars(herbs, earth, all things from the evil kingdoms of water, fire, earth and air), and then NULLIFY ALL MAGIC used with it with I Cor 1:19, Gen 7:23. They are using weather warfare around us to distract/intimidate and bully. The devil is coming at your mandates/vision and your ability to hear/discern. BREAK these weapons off your gates daily and put restraining orders on them so that you can move easily into the new!
Matter of fact, you need to also bind those demons (Distraction, bullying, intimidation) because GOD IS NOT bullied NOR is He intimidated by ANY demon on ANY vessel! He will BULLY THEM RIGHT BACK! If not SHATTER them into a million little pieces. AND YOU don’t want to participate in those behaviors lest YOU get caught up in His cross hairs! THIS is why God said to get our OWN altars cleaned up so that we wouldn’t get caught up in His crosshairs when judgment came!
Stay on top of cancelling out Basilisk because that demon which brings in early death assignments /drought and you need to keep doing this ALL year long! Add this to your prayers of things to cancel/bind. You bind/cancel its head, hands, feet, feathers, its belt of deception, all demonic jewelry (as crazy as that sounds), and all of its assignments of death, and every assignment in how it leads society into deeper realms of death. This spirit causes the degradation of society and leads them into deeper darkness and then death.
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Enemy trying to muzzle the voices of the saints spiritually and in the natural. He’s using the occult and Balaam’s prophets/unhealed Christians/ or the tares. You need to begin using Dt. 23:5 by turning all cursings into blessings BEFORE they hit your camp/ or targets the enemy is aiming at. The bible states in Num 23:8 –
How can I curse those whom God has not cursed? How can I denounce those whom the LORD has not denounced?
So let the enemy help you build what God has called you to build and turn their words/decrees through scripture into a blessing. And bless em right back!
Rom 8:28 states:
God works all things for the good of those who are in Christ Jesus.
If you have any weak places on your life/health, or on family, you need to be praying Ps 91 from the inside/out/ including your animals.
And if you’re a Front Runner you need to stay extremely focused as God begins to move you thru, and into the EYE in July….we’ve got a ways go yet. WE are learning to be content in every circumstance – because HE IS JIREH- and HE IS ENOUGH. The enemy is stirring up so much witchcraft that unless you know how to come up above it its going to be tough for you to manuever. And the Heavens are beginning to get angry because seasoned Christians are shutting down the occults HIGHLY effectively. Don’t you remember- this is how the devil got when we were winning 15 ago into the present. Its his same mode of op to where Satan/his minions try to intimidate us to back off- but if you back off you give up your freedoms. SO- there will be NO BACKING OFF- NO MATTER THE COST! Matter of fact, we’re not only NOT backing off, we taking the land back! IN JESUS NAME!
But in this season God is trying to teach us how to toughen up, get a little more thick skinned and realize WHO IS GOD AND WHO IS NOT. And God is trying to get the body back into Alignment WITH love- and love’s truth! Not mans VERSION OF IT! Because man’s version of truth is PERVERTED by the weaknesses of the flesh/and from bloodline cursings, especially if you haven’t gotten free and only GOD can reveal Himself to a heart.
GOD IS Trying to teach us that He is ENOUGH – no matter the pressure, stress, negative emotions, we are LEARNING TO MAINTAIN LOVE! SO STAY FOCUSED and STAY IN PRAYER!
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Trying to block Intercessor’s ability to attain revelation. Strike the blocks down Ex 7:12 and restore your flow because this attack has been going on on/off for 2 weeks and we need to get our footing back and keep accelerating.
God has been speaking to me for 3 weeks that Acceleration is here and hence Front Runners need to stay right in position with Gods timing. The enemy is releasing ways to get us out of Gods timing or to interrupt our ability to stay aligned with Love. Therefore, there are fiery darts being sent out to Front Runners/ Intercessors/Voodoo assignments to set you up in the natural through witchcraft spells.
You need to break off ALL strategies/assignments/tactics of the enemy with Ex 15:6 and block these demonic assignments over you for your region. There is a gnashing of teeth coming against the body, or those who are moving higher into the high things of the spirit because those at the lower levels don’t have the revelation that we have been given. They don’t have the revelation because they chose to stay underneath the apparatus of religion so they are hearing half truths/lies from the enemy because their flesh still dominates.
So their immaturity is becoming realized through their prayers/decrees in their fear that they’ve not listened when told to come forward.
NOT YOUR CIRCUS NOT YOUR MONKEY- STAY FOCUSED ON THE TARGET GOD HAS GIVEN YOU! None of us can walk others walks for them and there is a sprit of entitlement that most of the body need to get delivered from if they want success in their lives. The spirit of entitlement makes the immature feel like everyone owes them something and when corrected they get angry like high schoolers not getting their way because they realize they are FINALLY going to have to roll up their sleeves and GET TO WORK and learn about warfare!
Israel had to realize this when they were learning how to come out of the wilderness and very few of them made it out because they were too busy whining about what they didn’t have or about the warfare they were still enduring. But! THERE is a place spiritually where the glory covers you and you no longer have to deal with the demons of the past because they can’t touch/see you so your life becomes protected and blissful!
Saturday Mar 12, 2022
Saturday Mar 12, 2022
Saturday Mar 12, 2022
They are highly pressured because the body is now waging a VERY strong warfare. The enemy have been caging our holy angels, trying to dislocate us in our TIME, and they have been Capture us in various dimensions.
The occult is not so much a threat as are Carnal Christians who think they know more than God. Which tells me that many of them have misinterpreted who is really attacking them. If you aren’t testing the spirit or coming into all truth you aren’t going to know who your real enemies are.
The occult has released spells onto Christians to make us get out of unity by attacking one another. And the devil knows that this action alone will activate Eternal laws which can backfire on Christians hitting each other.
Matt 7:12: Judge NOT (not even in the courts) LEST YOU BE JUDGED. SO, if your stuck in a hamster wheel/ping pong match with people going back/forth hitting you in warfare- chances are your getting back everything that you’ve hit other Christians with! BECAUSE you cannot CURSE what God has blessed! Use your head & quit being presumptuous!!
THERE IS A NEW SOUND in the spirit at present! So new artists/praisers will be rising up for this new place in Gods heart- to draw Gods obedient closer!! Hallelujah! Ryan Ellis is one of them!
The Glory is beginning to fall on many vessels which is because many have chosen to get free in order to make room for the Lord.
If you are beginning to feel the “Squeeze” early it’s because your testing’s have just begun. God told us as Son’s Daughters of Issachar to “Know the signs/times.” In order that we would understand how to maneuver through His heart and what was expected in each Quadrant.
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Monday Mar 07, 2022
CONGRATULATIONS! WE ARE NOW trudging through the mud warfare wise! SO we are “head to head” with the devil and his high level priests/priestesses/sorcerers in the enemies attempt at maintain their hold over the U.S.
So intercessors: You need to GET YOUR PRAISE ON! In order to break through BEFORE you pray! Many of you operating in high level truth are dealing with VERY religious persecutors at the lower levels of the mountain who chose not to come up. Its why they can’t see the new levels of truth because they are blinded by religion. SO they are challenging ANYONE who challenges their narrative. BUT THEY ARE WRONG! SO VERY VERY WRONG/DECEIVED!
But the Lord is saying: NOW is the time I need you to get YOUR FOCUS ON! YOU ARE DEFINITELY being STRETCHED in your faith and ENDURANCE by pushing you into the new place. And no matter what – no MATTER HOW MUCH SPIRITUAL CRAP (dog doo doo) is released into the atmosphere around you- DO NOT PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR EMOTIONS- but MAKE YOURSELF PRESS THROUGH AND DO NO QUIT! You are in an UNFOLDING PROCESS! PRESS INTO THE HIGHER LEVELS OF Gods Glory! And I’m sure this statement is going to send all the religious people out there “over the edge” but what they don’t realize is that they are in a very dangerous position.
God is moving His true warriors to think “outside of the box” to help many get free from the apparatus of religion which is why so many immature believers are beginning to panic. Its just as I thought- that they would begin to lose power as the darkness go darker because they chose to stay the same! AND BTW – those of you who CHOSE to stay the same quit trying to judge everyone around yourselves by your own convictions because your convictions might not be mine or those around you! That’s called NOT judging your brothers faith, or the food that they eat! (Matt 7:12, Rom 14:3)
Saturday Mar 05, 2022
Saturday Mar 05, 2022
Saturday Mar 05, 2022
Well, if you’ve felt the increase in Witchcraft Front Runner then you are probably experiencing the beginnings of C2. That’s why we are Front Runners in how we run way ahead of the pack to step into our New Beginnings early.
Many of you might be feeling insomnia, fatigue (which we all know that FEAR, FATIGUE DOUBT, UNBELIEF, DISCOURGMENT, DEPRESSION, HOPELESSNES, DESPAIR are ALL red flags of witchcraft. So the enemy has blanketed Gods people with blankets of it to oppress and pull us out of the spirit of love.
TURN YOUR PRAISE ON during this time so that you can keep moving into your New Beginning. I think what has been extremely discouraging is that (as a nation) we all thought we would be further along in this process- BUT the GOOD NEWS is: ITS NOT THE DEVILS TIME and he can’t do anything OUTSIDE of Gods permission. ITS GODS TIME -
You might even observe how the devil has VERY purposefully placed old relationships back into your life as distractions of witchcraft. People that you have outgrown who only serve as conduits for witchcraft/dysfunction to flow through so that you won’t be able to keep your eye on the ball.
NUMBERS 2:1-3:51 – WARRIORS/PREISTS/Able Bodied people- SOLDIERS
The army of God is organized each tribe with its leaders/followers many tribes with differences operating on varying spiritual pages. However, in this season God is teaching us to love like He loves to where we learn to COVER each other at those levels. Instead of picking each other apart.
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Perception is reality and we find out where we stand in Christ’s heart by the level of truth we can handle. Many Front Runners are aligning with SUCH levels of God’s truth that everything we do, say and pray will be out of the Throne room of God. So much so that many of you have become offensive to those around you in family, with friends, at work etc. and had to keep to yourself because of being misunderstood.
Matter of fact- MANY of you have not understood what was going on with regard to having to stay so silent in this season because of the spirit of offense operating in your atmospheres. What God wants you to do? IS TO BIND THAT SPIRIT-(Daily), along with asking God to place tenderness on your words so that people can receive the new level of Christ that you are NOW operating in.
Witchcraft has been using people around us to stop us from speaking truth (on ALL levels) through censorship in govt. to censorship in the church. But how is that? Because by spiritually holding back the truth, or by stopping truth from being released through the spirit of offense the devil knows that Gods people won’t be freed. NOR can they come up into ALL power. Hence, in order for the truth to get out there/Deliverance to occur God is going to place an anointing on TRUTH voices to speak so that the immature will be more apt to listen and get free.
God is moving America back into position of truth, BACK into His heart so that His glory can come and tabernacle over us again. But if we choose to stay the same- OR if we choose to stay MISALIGNED then we will reap those consequences which entail EXTREME darkness (OR a One World Govt). SO we don’t have a choice BUT to align if we want our freedoms back ! Its Gods way or hit the highway!
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Friday Feb 25, 2022
We are NOW fighting the highest level of witchcraft warfare that we’ve ever experienced. WE are literally fighting the high priestesses/priests/Sorcerers/Wizards because most Front Runners have accelerated beyond the Covens or practicing Satanists. There are higher level satanists that are in the mix but for the most part we are dealing with Sorcerers. Who deal with Quantum Psychics/computer geeks or those who deal with programming numbers/ with regard to witchcraft warfare.
Since most people in the world aren’t really science buffs (some are) but we all come from all walks of life most of the church aren’t focused/knowledgeable about the sciences. Especially at the deeper levels spiritually.
For the Front Runners, you are though because God has not only given you HIS gift/presence/ BUT his MIND (Phil 2:2-5).
So God is helping these few fight on these higher levels in the courts like never before. You see, GOD has a timing for everything and when the devil gets out of GODS TIME (because He doesn’t live in time) God will “Check mate” him and FORCE him back into place!
There is also another test going on in the body of Christ for those learning to decree a thing and keep standing. As we begin to decree a thing we step into an unfolding process of faith to where we begin moving through the faith levels as we get free. The freer we get the higher we go and the EASIER it is to believe for a thing because the better you can see the end from the beginning. This means that the more obedient we are to doing what God tells us to do in getting deliverance the more fire power we have. THIS is why the witches/satanist hit the body with blanket prayers of lethargy/passivity/ over business or religion.
Because the enemies main goal was to STOP the church from entering into FIRE POWER!
Monday Feb 21, 2022