Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
Friday Sep 23, 2022
You know sometimes, you can’t take some sheep anywhere because they have become so arrogant that they have forgotten who is God and who is not - which is why A LOT of big churches are becoming dismantled in this season because of sheep placing more stock in themselves instead of giving God the Glory. Where those sheep have refuse to listen/obey the will of God and instead of incurring HIS wrath and dismantling of power. The vessel who refuses to acknowledge Gods will and HIS ways is the vessel headed for disaster as WE ARE ON GODS TIMELINE and not our own! And if you have chosen to go/demand your own way (where true love never demands its own way) in this season of Judgment- then don’t act dismayed when judgement activities on your life.
Because EVERYONE of the messages God has given me for the past 3 REVS are in preparation for those vessels who have gotten their eyes off of TRUE LOVE. And don’t be so quick to dismiss yourself OR your own heart condition. Because this is what Satan did. But we will get into that in one moment.
Witchcraft is amping up against everyone because of where the nation currently is at, and the prophets are saying that everyone needs to have plenty of food/ water etc., along with being cautious against false flags ….as we enter into October with Halloween. We are already getting a taste of the demonic before we even enter in as the occult are becoming desperate to stop the movement of the Remnant from moving higher into the spirit of God.
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
God is serving food from His table but only those who have gotten cleaned up with be able to dine with Him.
There is a way that seems right to a man but the end is death. Because we are living in a time where the defining line has been drawn in the sand by God and those who didn’t keep their lamps lit are being left outside of the banquet hall (like the 10 virgins) in Matt 25.
The Parable of the Ten Virgins
25 “At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish and five were wise. 3 The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. 4 The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. 5 The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.
6 “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’
7 “Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. 8 The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’
9 “‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’
10 “But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.
11 “Later the others also came. ‘Lord, Lord,’ they said, ‘open the door for us!’
12 “But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.’
13 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
(Contingent upon which level they serve on) every time a leader passes it can send a domino effect occurring throughout the entire earth. And I don’t know about you, but the DAY after Queen Elizabeth died, I sensed this HUGE shift. And I believe what it brought with it was HUGE demons and warfare on a completely different level. Because the enemy knows there is now a void in TIME with which he must fight for to enter. If the vessel left behind is open to demonic forces those forces can use that vessel for good/evil (for the enemies kingdom or for Gods) just like the kings of old in Israel’s day.
But TIMING/POSITION ARE everything and just like it was important in Israel’s day/ its important today to understand our positioning/ AND TIMING. Because God is all about TIME---as He teaches us to keep TIME with Him while He begins to blast His Kingdom forth into the earths atmosphere.
Where Jesus had a humble beginning where David’s family was in dishonor. BUT Gods kingdom prevailed over all earthly powers to help bring peace on earth and the glory of God covered the earth.
THE RETURN: the humble root is now the leader of a an army (which include Jesus and His true followers for the days we live in) where He defeats the enemies army and gathers his forces to help further Kingdom. This is a season where God/Jesus is defeating all enemy foes and helping HIS people to be gathered BACK into their land. While rallying those who don’t know Him to help them have a better way of living.
As we enter into C4 (Chamber 4- the HIGH SPIRITUAL SEASON and the last portion of God finishing building up His 7 spirits within us) We SHOULD begin to experience MUCH MUCH MUCH angelic activity. Chamber 4 is the final part where the blood must flow through the heart to return back into the rest of the body. But its also the final place where things can go wrong if a heart has heart failure. Spiritually: Chamber 4 is the place where the final battle of the year begins to take place (Head of the Year) as WE GET TO CHOOSE WHO WE WANT as the MASTER OF OUR LIVES. It’s the fight between the Serpent/Eagle where all the tools we have learned in last season are put into place to be tested/proven as “mastered” by the vessel so that your spirit man can move to the next level. However: the key is that YOU CANNOT serve TWO masters. You cannot serve GOD/Flesh/ or yourself….you must learn with each new level to submit to a power greater than yourself.
Friday Sep 09, 2022
Friday Sep 09, 2022
Prophetic Word:
Today I am doing a new thing to help My people break out of the old and to shift into the new. I have been challenging many of you decide how you want to proceed. In/Through Me- or on your own apart from me within your own flesh/heart- which can cause you to depart from the one you say you love so dear. Because serving the flesh will cost you something in this hour- something that lack power-and usually something that forfeits eternity. Because there are many who say I am going “Your/Yaweh) without realizing they are only being led astray. They have chosen to depart from the faith and to go their own way when I have not called them to that delay – so they do so without realizing they are being led to give up their futures/ callings.
But this day is a moment in time that I have predestined to determine who is Mine to see if you would see, or be deceived by the voices sent in around you. There are voices of lying/dismay, many would say, but what they don’t’ realize is that they are being put on parade/only to be entertained by lying spirits sent by the occult. And what they don’t realize is that when they pray, I don’t hear them because they betrayed the only person that can help them. Those sheep they get answers here and there, but they are answered unaware by demonic powers sent to lure them into further despair down a road to nowhere. ON PURPOSE and because of lack of maturity in Me those that refuse to see that the truth they once held so dear is beginning to pull away from thee. The enemy thinks he has caused My flock to dwindle because of the swindle that he keeps placing around many of you.
But for you/my true sheep – you have awoken from your sleep choosing to keep/ My statutes/& My truth as I continue to take you through, to the place of your youth, Where you once held me in high esteem. I have set apart those for space/place as you enter back into My grace, which was the place of love for the world to find Me. I am showing who is Mine/ operating in true DIVINE & WHO is the devils (including all those that revel) with their flesh demanding that the sheep mesh to the things not imparted by Heaven. But for those that refuse- will My world be NEW as they will see My TRUE STANDARD. This hour of power will force true believers NOT to cower or subvert themselves to a liar not holy or true, because My true sheep know Me as SHEPARD, and I am NO LEOPARD who changes his Mind on a dime. MY standard/MY SPIRIT/My truth – you can hear it- and only true love CAN GET YOU THERE. But to that I would ask: “For what does the devil have- to keep you earth bound here? For you here/ this place you think you hold dear, only filled with his lies/fear – for this place is passing away. if you are truly Mine, your future lies in the DIVINE and so I have called you to accelerate into your future.
But for those who seek false power- you will find in this hour that the light you seek is not true. You see you have been duped by the flesh and its puke only to find with it MY STRONG REBUKE- because you failed to see the TRUE MASTER.
And for that I will concur as you seek what you prefer only to allow your NEW TASK MASTER to add to your future sorrow.
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
Tuesday Sep 06, 2022
We are now dealing with 3 groups of Five Fold Ministers
THE SICK FIVE FOLD- Those Five Fold still stuck under the apparatus of Religion/Jezebel- they are sick/have unhealed hearts, and have gotten behind in the spirit because of their own fears/flesh
THE TRUE FIVE FOLD- Healthy Five Fold Ministers who have obeyed Christ in coming forward in getting freed/delivered and have come UP/OUT of the old and into the new.
I’m repeating this truth because MANY (in the 1st/2nd UNHEALED GROUP) THINK they are ok and because of their own shortcomings & are about to/OR are already under judgement for not listening to God in past seasons. They are doing what is right in their own eyes and are challenging God because of their fears of misalignment. So, they are fighting to prove they are right when they are really fighting God. Once God makes a decision, HE RARELY changes his mind because of the many times before that judgement point that He has extended in trying to get a soul to obey. Just like with King Saul when God gave him SPECIFIC instructions to fulfill, and he thought he could do what ‘he” thought was right instead of what God said was right. Immediately- he set himself up on a course for judgment and all the while God had David being prepared in the wings. And you can fight God all day long but He will push back gently until He’s had enough and then FORCEFULLY place you into positions of incapacitation. And when a vessel behaves this way God will show all around that vessel BEFORE/DURING/AFTER what His will was…..those that choose to comply avert judgement, those that don’t get to participate in the judgment along with the leader God had planned to use.
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
But if you know anything about a NOMAD- a Nomad is someone who feels like they have no home. But God is telling you in this season I AM YOUR HOME! I BRINGING YOU BACK HOME TO LOVE- TRUE LOVE and ALL THINGS ARE FIXING TO BE MADE NEW!
Last 2 Days of Basilisk! And boy have these last two days proven themselves to be EVERY BIT TRUE! EVERYTHING around is moving in the direction of GODS TIME NOW….as He moves us out of the old and into the new!
Things have begun to quieten down as we sense the King walk into the room….we’ve entered into the new season of Elul – where the King is in the field. And WE have entered this NEW field/level with Him! When the Kings leads us into a new fields/ new locations that means we now have a new LEVEL of fighting but that means we also have a brand new level of responsibility! Because for Front Runners, what we have to understand is that for those carrying a GIFT OF LOVE (THE PRESENCE OF GOD ON THEIR VESSELS FROM BIRTH) that we serve at the pleasure of the King. So this new breed of Front Runners are charging forth with the King because He never sends His forces into battle alone.
We’ve now stepped into a place where demonic glass ceilings have kept us out of the RIGHT place at the right TIME- and because our TIMES are in His hands God can do anything He desires to keep His newly trained forces near His person. Again, we serve at the pleasure of the King- NOT man- but the King only.
And we are being brought forth in this hour to help bring back TRUE NOBILTY, HONOR, and the DEEP LOVE OF CHRIST! Which is not built on any man made systems- but only through the love of Christ- HIS ways….HIS words…and HIS protocols.
You will need to be binding ALL LESSER LIGHT rituals/ALL TYPES OF MAGIC/MAGIC RITUALS/SPELLS (Macro/Micro spells), All innocent blood sacrifices, ALL demonic anointings on all levels, used against Christians to hinder us from moving through time.
Friday Aug 26, 2022
Friday Aug 26, 2022
Friday Aug 26, 2022
Have you ever run into a rattlesnake? I used to date a guy who LOVED to hunt them and my best friend and I would double date with he and his friend and they would take us to hunt rattlesnakes! I always wondered why I went because I HATE SNAKES! Any type! But as kids, I was raised in the country and for fun we would take our inner tubes and tube down the creek – especially after flood waters. We would go, with our tubes in hand and cross over Farmers Williams (?) corn field to get to the farthest part f the creek so we tube downstream. But this one time – we did it, and there was a section where railroad ties held up a barbed wire fence that allowed us to get to the point in the creek where we could enter. I was crawling under the fence and looked up only to see that I was face to face with a huge rattlesnake that had drown in the water. I bolted back while my brother and his other friend threw rocks at it to see if it was still alive.
Fast forward: We are living in some of the most important times in history where the devil is FURIOUS at the movement of the body of Christ as Gods Front runners are moving into position.
And the farther we climb, the more we break through (remember, as breakthrough happens) HEART CONDITIONS are pressured because the breakthrough creates more of Gods spirit to enter into our atmospheres.
But this is the latest thing I have been seeing:
ALL THE SNAKE BITE that has occurred in the body of Christ from the years of warring, and the REFUSAL to get cleaned up- many in the body have been poisoned with Satan’s venom- and their heart conditions are compared to those who participated in the stoning of Stephen where the Gnashing of teeth occurred.
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
We are in the last 7 days of the Season of Basilisk so its anointing of death is coming to an all time high! CRESCENDO! These are the last days of the year the enemy can hinder people from moving out and through spiritually. So if you are stuck/ your going to have to pray, ask God what you need deliverance from and hopefully that will be enough to move you upwards.
This is a season where the enemy is trying to WEAR OUT THE SAINTS through mental exhaustion but the SOUND MINDED – we are being told to be SOBER/ VIGILANT, FOCUSED on Christ with HIS mind in this hour! So that the demonic arrows don’t penetrate!
We are seeing a GNASHING of Teeth in people like the true remnant has never seen before to the point that I am seeing people begin to AVOID people. Because the healthy ones are so fed up/ tired of the dysfunction of the people who have CHOSEN NOT TO GET WHOLE!
They don’t get along with anyone and yet they are always pointing fingers at the ones who are getting whole because they see the power of God on their vessels and hence, their pathetic heart conditions drive them for power, instead of wholeness. AND wholeness would SOLVE ALL THEIR PROBLEMS- from the bad heart conditions that causes God not to answer their prayers, to the place of Destiny God wants to place them into!
Because A LOT of leaders are thinking/saying in this hour:
“I can’t walk your walk for you, you have to AT LEAST TRY to get free so that you can be all that God means for you to be- and getting angry at obedient vessels won’t take you anywhere but to an early grave/ or to hell for touching the anointing the wrong way! REMEMBER; JUDGEMENT IS HERE!
THIS is a demonic strategy to get the sheep taken out before their time! So from here on out you will have to begin to think OFFENSIVELY- not DEFENISIVELY – but by being PROACTIVE! And so many are caught up in their emotions (proof they need deliverance- because the emotions are FLESH BASED) that they have been entrapped by their feelings/and disobedience. FEAR is a powerful thing when we refuse to deal with it! And fear is the devils playground to keep the sheep imprisoned!
I SAY: DO IT AFRAID- BUT DO SOMETHING TO GET YOURSELF STEPPING FORWARD IN CHRIST so you can continue to climb higher! AND QUIT using the excuse of your own dysfunction when you see success on other vessels to JUSTIFY your own bad heart condition! God is saying “If you had come to me when I called I would have gladly cleaned you up as well, but because you thought you knew more than I- I MOVED ON!- Because I am on a timeline----a schedule and those that don’t’ keep up will get left behind in this season!”
Friday Aug 19, 2022
Friday Aug 19, 2022
The Lord showed me last night that the witches/Satanist are releasing spells to make the body attack itself. This is what happens to a physical body when the body has not immune system for certain diseases.
The Lord showed me last night that the BODY OF CHRIST IMMUNE SYSTEM IS HAVING A CONSCIENCE!
HOWEVER: The Lord said: “The BODY OF CHRIST IS BECOMING ONE BIG SEARED CONSCIENCE” and a conscience gives the body the ability to discern between what is right and what is wrong- but its up to that vessel as to whether they will obey or not.
So we have MANY vessels who are NOW being CULLED out of the BODY of Christ as to whether they are GODS OR NOT. THERE IS A SEPARATING by Gods hands as to whose hearts are His own. And the enemy is having a field day by using those NOT OF GOD to attack the remnant because their heart/consciences have been seared to truth. That’s they are fighting the truth so hard in this hour because they think they know more than God! AND they don’t understand the new MOVE of God- which is to help bring those (who will listen) back into the HEART of God/ and back to His glory/love.
As God is raising you up the enemy is raising up his forces to combat these Front Runners- so its Front Runner against Front Runners of evil who are trying to get things out of God time!~ THESE ARE CALLED TIME BENDERS/WITCHES- born through evil bloodlines!
Like Gods Front Runners who were born for such a time as this: from HOLY BLOODLINES! TO COMBAT THIS SPECIFIC EVIL in our time! BECAUSE WE ARE THE SONS/DAUGTHERS OF ISSACHAR knowing how to tell time! WE keep time with God which is why the devil sent in his forces to delay/ warp, manipulate time in Satan’s attempt to get ahead of GOD! BUT GOD!
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Next 2 weeks are the CRESCENDO/AND MOST DANGEROUS TIME of the year – because it’s the final two weeks of Basilisk- which brings in early death/freak accidents. You need to be praying in MAJOR protection around you/yours /over health/longevity/ and breaking off early death assignments/freak accidents DAILY- if not 2 times daily. Especially over your leaders.
During this time you will also notice that God is placing pressure onto families- to force ALL GENERATIONS up into higher level living. Higher into love. For those expecting to just do business with God as usual- you will be running into walls this season- to where if you choose NOT to change- your walk will come to a complete standstill until you decide to do things Gods way.
You know its interesting how everybody always prays for the “bigger” without realizing what the growth will require. We have just entered into a new season on a new level which is going to require us to step up into the glory/love of God like none of us have ever experienced before. (At least for those who have been obedient) in coming forward into the new place of Gods heart.