Friday Nov 04, 2022
Friday Nov 04, 2022
Ezekiel’s Wheel is going live to the public for our MONDAY night live classes giving the public a taste of our flavor in how we take you through the heart of God yearly. Starting January 2nd, 2023!
And if you click on the link in our chat you will find our new channel where one of our instructors Sonya Vega is going to be teaching…now mind you- you won’t get me as a teacher unless you decide to become a member of EW. And it’s the best investment you will ever make in yourself because we teach you tips/& give prophetic insight as to how you can climb faster yearly so that you can get into the place God wants for you to be. Its all up to you because God will take you as high as you want to go. But its all contingent on how free you want to get to go there.
Prophetic VISION:
I saw a bunch of the remnant walking thru the Sahara Desert in a MEGA sandstorm, literally with sand hitting their faces- and I could see that it hurt them on their faces because the witchcraft/sand was so thick when it was blowing. Meaning: the THICK witchcraft you are experiencing at present is the fight in the heavenlies between the occult and God in you.
The witchcraft has released Jezebel/Leviathan upon the church to get less mature leaders/followers to work against one another through Planetary/Cosmos/Zodiac magic/spells (through MACRO/MICRO) spells, everything that you see on a natural level (Federally) is how the enemy is hitting TRUE Christians on a spiritual level. So those sheep caught up in the SAME pride of LEVIATHAN are only exhibiting the spiritual spells released through witchcraft on all 7 mountains. But it’s the HUMBLE in heart that will see God…..not the prideful or those thinking they know more than God!
As we enter into the final phase of Gods heart for the year (C4) we are going to be experiencing unusual fatigue because of what the Lord is doing in America at present. REMEMBER: YOU WILL HAVE WHAT YOU SAY for good/ or for evil…and the enemy is a legalist and hence its important for you to keep your focus as best you can so you don’t give Satan a legal right to hit you. The warfare is REALLY impacting A LOT of people right now and the only way to fight it is to get deliverance from it , OR from the things that you struggle with in order to keep climbing. So if you find yourself stuck in old thought patterns, or evil ways of thinking behaving….if you KEEP going down those roads continuing to justify your evil hearts…its only drawing you FURTHER AND FURTHER away from kingdom. Its because we are in a different season. So this season God is requiring HIS TRUE remnant to “WALK THEIR WALKS- and not just TALK A TALK!”
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Everyone is BEYOND fatigued….but the good news is- SO IS THE ENEMY! So all you have to do is KEEP PRESSING! Because they have released MAJOR MACRO SPELLS with Planetary Magic/Zodiac/Cosmos magic, mixed with spells/ evil altars (ingredients- innocent blood sacrifices to give them power).
How to stop: SEVER the ties between the altars, magic/ and spells and STRIP the macro spells off our intercessors INTL/FED/STATE/CITY/levels. They are coming at our TIME- as a nation because they are trying to bring the in the ANTI CHRIST before his time.
GOOD NEWS: They are more exhausted than we are…because we keep getting reinvigorated as Front Runners and hence we are like the energizer bunny. THE GREAT NEWS: IF SOMETHING IS OF GOD – YOU CAN’T STOP IT- you can quote scripture until your blue in the face = or mix the holy with the unholy all you want- but if God said something and HIS true Front Runners are decreeing it- THEN – IT WILL COME TO PASS- because of our hearts being pure towards Gods cause.
But its Christianity vs. Satanism in this hour and I sense that God is saying to America: “Get your butt in gear America- and CHOOSE THIS DAY WHOM YOUR GOING TO SERVE! Because you can’t serve 2 masters!
If you caught John Kilpatrick this past Sunday he was explain how Leviathan was attacking MANY in this hour – (On all 7 mountains) to where MANY had this VAIN SELF PERCEPTION. Thinking MORE of themselves then they ought. To where these people – its happening in government and in Church where there is a certain group of people who think they are better than others – OR EVEN (within church) better than GOD HIMSELF! Thinking they are going to tell God what to do – WHEN GOD HAS TOLD WHAT HE IS GOING TO DO!
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Friday Oct 28, 2022
Friday Oct 28, 2022
January 1- EW- will be opening its doors through MONDAY NIGHT LIVE where we will begin posting links to our new channel for teaching intercessors. We want to teach you how to get your hearts cleaned up so you can come into higher fire power. And we will be hosting 2 free meetings for you a month to where you can come alongside of us and learn and see how EW does things to better assist you in our prayer life.
We will be covering topics like deliverance, witchcraft, hot zones, and how to move in/out of the enemies camp during C2 so that you learn to move through the heart of God with ease. I WILL NOT be teaching this as you only gain access to my teachings by becoming a member which gives you access to many parts of our website/as well as QUICK/QUICK deeper healing to get you up in the spirit fast.
Innocent blood sacrifices being made daily up until after 31st/into Nov 6th. So the warfare was REALLY bad until about 4 days ago when God promoted us into the new. And the enemy was throwing everything at Gods people but it was like over night that all the warfare stopped and God moved us into a completely safe place spiritually where nothing can touch us. And the best news is that the devil can try all he wants to stop Gods plan but NOBODY can stop God. God is on a trajectory/TIMETABLE and those that want to participate have to stay in alignment if they want to go higher. And STAYING STUCK in the spirit of Religion IS NOT ALIGNMENT! Its you choosing to stay the same/stay stuck in your own ways.
Is 14:27, Acts 5:39, Jer 44:28-29
27 The LORD of Heaven's Armies has spoken— who can change his plans? When his hand is raised, who can stop him?” 27 God-of-the-Angel-Armies has planned it. Who could ever cancel such plans?
And I want to quote a Bishop who recently stated:
“Do you know what time it is? ITS TIME TO GET IT ALL BACK! (Chironna, 2022).
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Well, we are coming to the end of October where the we are beginning to see the DIGRESSION of the STIFFNECKED and the PROGRESSION OF THE FREED EAGLES! So for those of you who have been obedient and getting free- CONGRATULATIONS- You just got promoted! And what you should be feeling is that the enemies that participated in the serpent side of themselves are digressing backwards – losing power over you.
WHICH IS THE BEST NEWS YET! Because where you are headed is extraordinary because of the surprises that God has in store for you! Early death assignments have been very high, with many intercessors experiencing spells/magic/witchcraft decrees hitting their throats/voices/breaths (which many of you might have been hit with blanket spells) to hinder your voice from going forth! THIS IS THE NEW Place that God has been having you decree over for your tomorrow to see if you would land in past sorrows/digress back into your mess or would you press/forge on into the new- allowing God to get rid of the OLD YOU!
THE LORD SAYS THIS: This scripture was given to me yesterday by the Lord for the SCREAMING EAGLES! Where many of the remnant have chosen to come up higher into the heart of God despite the cost. 4 years ago I saw this photo of the Screaming Eagles without knowing that it is was mascot for my dads special force battalion. The Screaming Eagles is from the 101st Airborne division where my dad served for years. And when I saw it I God said:
Missy- You’ve been promoted…and all those chasing you have been DEMOTED…because they chose the serpent side of themselves instead of MY EAGLE SIDE!
Friday Oct 21, 2022
Friday Oct 21, 2022
What is Witchcraft hitting you with today?
As you know, October is the month of transformation- with the battle raging between the serpent and the eagle hence, the occult is releasing MAJOR MACRO spells on the COSMOS level to cover humanity in deep heaviness, with HEAVY RESISTANCE, through the witchcraft of unhealed vessels around you. Bind early death assignments released through macro spells of witchcraft over godly leaders/family and be praying Ps 91 over yourselves. Because this is the month of TRANSFORMATION and its going to take A LOT of discipline for the true hearts of God to break through into the new. It’s the battle because we still have A LOT of vessels in the church operating in religion/witchcraft/JEZEBEL who think they are ok to where many of these vessels are trying to play god over their own lives/others. Which is why the TRUE prophets’ voices are ramping up.
Also- I want to charge you SHEEP with a task- you need to go into the courts of Heaven (especially those of you under these big ministries) because the REASON WHY your blessings/destinies have NOT come to pass is because some of these HUGE MINISTRY LEADERS have stolen you destinies/ callings, TITLES/ DEEDS TO THEM, and blessings from your bloodlines spiritually. Because of how they could see the blessings on your life. YOU NEED TO GET WITH LOVING LEADERS AND TAKE THEM BACK – as this is why you have NEVER had the manifestation of your calling/destiny. Because these corrupt leaders saw what God wanted to use your vessel for – and because of what you couldn’t see- they went/prayed spiritually over your life and stole what belonged to YOU! AND YOUR FOREFATHERS! THAT IS WHY THEIR MINISTRIES GOT SO BIG and YOURS NEVER CAME TO PASS!
GET AWAY FROM THEM as they are JEZEBELS/AHABS which is why they are being JUDGED BY GOD! They have only been in ministry for money- and they saw you as their target as a dumb sheep- THIS is why so many sheep are so frustrated! Because their destinies have been stolen by corrupt leaders spiritually! AND ITS TIME FOR GODS PEOPLE TO STAND BACK UP AND TAKE BACK WHAT BELONGS TO THEM!
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Wednesday Oct 19, 2022
Coming at leaders with early death assignments, by using FAKE Christians to pray evil and do their evil for them. This is people that think they have covenant with God but have no real relationship or operate in Jezebel. The Witchcraft is so high that if you don’t learn how to battle it – the darkness WILL overtake your mind. And you will begin to do dark things that will pull you away from Christ/ His love and protection.
God was showing me that we are living in time where we are seeing the best of people and the very worst in people – so what we are seeing is how witchcraft in the past has affected those who “THOUGH” they were ok doing things the old way. Or that they were hearing God- well, they were at one time, but if you stayed praying the same old way, and you didn’t get your heart cleaned up at the same time…you lost fire power.
SO DELIVERANCE – REALIGNING WITH LOVE on each level is the key to advancing because even learning the new way of prayer in the courts won’t get you anywhere unless you practice GOD/HIS WAYS. And if you mix the holy/with the unholy- oh my goodness- you have just put a target on your own back for Gods judgement because God is NOT tolerating those vessels who are DEMANDING to play God in this hour- because as we near the end of times- Gods spirit is showing up MIGHTILY on those vessels who are getting cleaned up which is why you can’t beat them. BUT for those operating in the flesh who try, they will just find themselves getting whipped all over the battlefield by God HIMSELF- for having usurped His authority/spirit on those who have been obedient. Remember- we are all at varying levels of the spirit and we have to respect the Lord no matter if you like the vessel or not.
Jesse Duplantis said it best: in a video I watched from him recently: where he said “YOU may not like someone- but you ARE required to love them/show respect to them OR CHRIST IN THEM lest you be judged by God for touching Him the wrong way. That is not verbatim- that’s my interpretation.
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
We just finished with Yom Kippur on October 5th as October 9th finds us in a FULL Blood moon. Which means (FOR INTERCESSORS-you need to be binding the harm/effects of the occults ability to transform into deeper darkness, their ability to refresh, attain more power, Binding ALL MACRO/MICRO spells onto mankind (their evil altars, its ingredients). ALL types of spells, magical systems, all types of magic (written/spoken, frontwards, backwards, layered, or structured) and all ties to PLANETARY MAGIC, the zodiac, (because this is the month of the fight between the serpent/eagle – TRANSFORMATION SEASON), which means you are NOW in a fight with the occult in order to see which way you are going to go_ FRONTWARDS or BACKWARDS. Because the occult is hoping you will go backwards unless you press beyond your pain…and continue to focus and war!
From a worldly perspective: What does this time mean to the occult? Samhain is a pagan religious festival originating from an ancient Celtic spiritual tradition. In modern times, Samhain (a Gaelic word pronounced “SAH-win”) is usually celebrated from October 31 to November 1 to welcome in the harvest and usher in “the dark half of the year.”
For the Jewish Side:
Heshvan is the eighth of the twelve months of the Jewish calendar.
Heshvan comes at the same time as the secular months of October/November. Pumpkins, squash, and gourds have arrived, reminding us of the cycle of planting and harvesting. Nature begins to hibernate, and mirroring this process, we too slow down and turn inward.
After the seeming endlessness of the holidays last month in Tishrei, the month of Heshvan (also called Marheshvan) is the one month in the Jewish calendar without any holidays or religious observances other than Shabbat. Called “mar” (which means “bitter) Heshvan because absence of Jewish holidays, the month is actually a stroke of brilliance in the genius of the Jewish calendar cycle.
After the activity of Tishrei, with Rosh Hashanna’s spirituality and Yom Kippur’s introspection rolling into the joy of Sukkot and the “z’man simchateinu” (time of our rejoicing) of Simchat Torah, we all need a bit of a pause to absorb it, to take a breath, to stop for a moment. Heshvan gives us a pause.
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Friday Sep 30, 2022
Friday Sep 30, 2022
It feels like as we enter into October that we are now walking through Muddy fire. And its almost like a compilation of C2 along with everything and the kitchen sink being thrown at us.
Do you understand
Where God is calling us to move through muddy fire in order to obtain the promises of God. And regardless of what things FEEL LIKE, look like, or what you sense NOW IS not the time to make rash decisions about anything because of the level of witchcraft operating around us. Because the witchcraft during this particular C4 (October) is higher than in C2. Which means A LOT of strange fire has been whipped up all around us. Either through the occult or through very dysfunctional people demanding their own way. But the TRUE PROPHETS HAVE SPOKEN and judgement is here which means that we are to wait for God to dispense HIS righteous wrath over these evil people.
God is urging the watchman/ and all of Gods people to pray as well. As this experience is exactly (on the INTL/FED. Level what David experienced when dealing with the Fake King Saul. Saul was a fake because he was stuck under the apparatus of religion/AHAB and he was always doing what was right in his own eyes. And those he raised up were just as stuck/ fake because they were all RULED by their flesh/emotions which proved the scriptures of:
1 Corinthians 6:9-11
9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [a]homosexuals, nor [b]sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were [c]sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
Tuesday Sep 27, 2022
WELL, we are heading into the Fire! FIERY OCTOBER! And part of the witchcraft is the Occult, but the other part is the body that claims to know Christ but need deliverance. But you are really going to have to stay on top of things in order to move forward.
Remember your covenant, your exodus from Egypt and all the things God did in between, causing you to remember that God doesn’t break His promises because God cares of REDEEMED people and God cares for them.
God has us entering into this CROSSING OVER PROCESS (as we speak) and during this time He is READYING those hearts who would go higher into His presence/or the 7 Spirits of God.
For the Front Runners, we’ve entered into our Head of the Year 2 mos. ago and hence we also began fighting the battle between the snake/Eagle and are NOW crossing over into our NEW Level which is why the warfare has gotten VERY interesting!
Its interesting to me that as we come back closer to Gods heart YOU SHOULD begin to see (if you got purified in the fire of C2). So if you didn’t get better, YOU GOT BITTER and MORE STIFF NECKED.
How do you know if you’ve done this? You’re demanding to stay where its old (in an OLD way of thinking, or doing things, & you resent ANYTHING/ANYONE trying to force you into the new place out of fear that you might be wrong. Did you know that Anger is only a symptom of Fear?
So to that I would have to say: What are you so afraid of? Trusting God? When He is trying to take you somewhere good? But you can’t go there if you are going to demand staying in your old grave clothes! Remember the dinner with the Lord in a Five Star Restaurant? We have to dress accordingly.
NO FRETTING- when your prone to fret remember that God is Father is YOUR Father and these days He’s getting those who want to get aligned CORRECTLY into position. And He’s making a way where there is no way.